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The great poet Lilyana Stefanova died

Stefanova was born on April 17, 1929 in Sofia, in a family of teachers. He received his higher education in Moscow – he entered GITIS (State Institute of Theater Arts), majoring in directing, but soon after he was admitted to the Maxim Gorky Literary Institute.

He specialized in London (1965-1967). He graduated in writing from the State University of Iowa, USA (1980).

While still a high school student, she published her first poems in the Literary Front newspaper with Nikola Furnadzhiev as editor-in-chief. As a student she published her first book of poems, which was also published in Moscow. Russian literary critics have welcomed it.

In the fifties of the twentieth century he was in the circle of the great Russian poet Pavel Antokolsky together with Bulat Okudzhava, Evgeny Yevtushenko, Bella Ahmadulina and others.

She is the author of more than 50 books of poetry, prose, essays, travelogues, works for children. Her poems have been translated into 31 languages, the total circulation of her books reaches one million copies.

Among the books that bring her the most fame and recognition are “Love and Sorrow”, “One Autumn in America”, “Mexico’s Volcanoes Smoke”, “Our Souls Are Together”, “I Write – So I Love”, “Japan without kimono and fan “,” After midnight “,” Pain out loud “and others.

She was chairman of the Bulgarian PEN Club and secretary of the Cultural Commission of the International Committee for European Security and Cooperation in Brussels.

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