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The great Mufti of the Comoros died of the Coronavirus

“About ten days ago, a radiologist from Mamoudzou received a picture of the lungs sent by a colleague from Moroni. The diagnosis is formal: the image represents the typical lesions of the pulmonary tissue caused by the coronavirus. This patient was the Grand-Mufti of the Comoros “.

Mayotte Regional Health Agency director Dominique Voynet revealed the information on Thursday during a conference call with the local press in Mayotte. She claims that the Comorian authorities have been informed.

The Grand Mufti of the Comoros Said Toihir died on April 8, at the time when a medical evacuation was planned.

“We know there is Covid-19 in the Comoros, but we don’t know if there are many,” says Dominique Voynet; “One can wonder about the conditions under which the care and the funeral of this personality took place”.

“If the Comorian authorities need help to deal with an epidemic, they must ask for it. For my part, I was approached by the Quai d´Orsay, I told them that Mayotte cannot help given her means. It’s not hardness of heart, but it’s reality. The Comorian government can ask for help from France, and from major international NGOs such as MFS and the Red Cross. “

“Our health system is under stress, we are unable to receive many sick people coming by sea. The prefecture must protect the borders,” added Voynet.

This is the second evidence of contamination in the Comoros. The previous was a traveler repatriated from Moroni last Monday, tested positive upon arrival in Mayotte, hospitalized and then quarantined.

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