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The great Maryla Rodowicz and the boring Roxie Węgiel. Perfectionism can kill

“Damą być” is a song originally released in 1976 on the album “Sing-Sing”. The lyrics to the song were written by Agnieszka Osiecka (as with most of the songs on the album), with whom Rodowicz often collaborated at the time. It is a funny and subversive song full of comparisons and contrasts typical of Osiecka – on the one hand the coarse image of the Polish People’s Republic, on the other poetic lightness.

Continuation of the material below the video

Maryla Rodowicz 2.0. That’s how it’s done

Poles have long had a problem appreciating and respecting older artists. Singers exist as long as they create new content, while demand for their work often decreases with age. It is a vicious circle that often means that respect and tribute to great stars from years ago are paid only after their death. It’s completely different in other countries, especially in the East, but also in the South. There, experienced artists create and perform at practically every possible festival. What’s more, the young love them, just as much as the old, and new albums sell like hotcakes.

Piotr Andrzejczak / MW Media Maryla Rodowicz

One might get the impression that Maryla Rodowicz has been present in Polish show business continuously and forever. The star is still invited to big festivals, concerts and New Year’s Eve parties. Fans love reading interviews with the artist and when she appears on their TV screens. Despite this, Rodowicz hasn’t created a hit musically worthy of her greatest hits for years. Due to this, we are forced to listen and watch as the 78-year-old star continues to pretend to be Małgosia, who was abandoned by a vile man, and “the bride’s dress is made of her dreams”.

However, Maryla Rodowicz knows exactly what to do to once again hit the front pages of newspapers, gossip sites and, above all, radio stations. Duets with young artists who have a huge fan base, old hits by Rodowicz, served in a completely new arrangement and music videos that will make an impression – this is the recipe for success. “Sing-Sing”, sung in pair with Mróz, delighted with the atmosphere that brought to mind songs from James Bond films. Both the singer and Rodowicz sing surprisingly well, lightly and with panache. The “pressure” typical of Maryla is missing, which has given way to a bluesy singing. The arrangement is brilliant, and the song, which was rather witty, light and with a kick, suddenly took on a darker expression, like from noir films. This is only proof of how brilliant a lyricist Agnieszka Osiecka was and how deep her works were, even those seemingly light, easy and pleasant.

Maryla Rodowicz decided to continue this successful debut, this time focusing on Roxie Węgiel. The song “Damą być” was chosen. This time, the authors decided on a strong change and a completely different direction than in the duet with Mróz. Interestingly, it is Maryla who adapts to her guests, not them to her. She takes a step back, lets them take the reins, adding only a small accent from herself. In connection with this, the duet with Roxie is modern, with a strong beat, sharp bass, ideally suited for a club. Rodowicz is not afraid to go wild with her image – we have known this for a long time. In the new music video, we can see her, among others, dressed as… a rapper. Braids on the head, a baseball cap, wide trousers with a dropped crotch and a large, sports blouse.

Maryla Rodowicz, Roksana Węgiel, music video for the song “Dą być”

The arrangement is really good and interesting. The harmony in the choruses surprises and captivates, dancing on the border of dissonance and solutions that provide relief. Rodowicz once again avoids forceful singing and for the first time in many years, her characteristic timbre is clearly audible. The video is also atmospheric, aesthetic and well-matched to the song. Problems begin, however, when we focus on Roksana Węgiel. The young vocalist begins this duet and… it is practically impossible to understand what she is singing (and we are talking about a studio recording, not a live performance). The difference between her diction and that of Maryla Rodowicz is enormous.

While the “queen of the Polish scene” dances in the music video with a distance and a smile on her lips, Węgiel constantly tries to show us her best, prettiest and most perfect side. The make-up and poses, which are very well known to her fans on social media, as well as the stylings, which are not shocking at all, push her into the background. This is just proof that sometimes it’s worth giving up perfectionism and looking at yourself with a pinch of salt. But such distance is acquired with age.

Maryla Rodowicz’s fans seem to have a similar opinion, writing that “Agnieszka Osiecka would be offended” and that while “Sing-Sing” with Mróz was interesting, “here it sounds corny and somehow doesn’t get through to them.

Roksana Węgiel could easily be absent here. Unfortunately, it is known that then the project would defeat the purpose, and after all, the point was to reach new listeners. Still, I regret that the music video doesn’t give us more of Rodowicz and less of her posing like in an underwear ad.

Is Maryla Rodowicz about to have a big comeback?

If these first two duets reveal the direction in which Maryla Rodowicz is heading, then this is a really nice surprise. You can love the star, you can like her or hate her, but you could never pass her by indifferently. You can criticize her connections with TVP or with the authorities in the Polish People’s Republic, but you can consider her the “queen of the Polish stage”. One thing is certain: Maryla Rodowicz knows what she is doing.

Creative people who know the contemporary market very well certainly participated in creating new arrangements and music videos for well-known hits. Will each music video show us a new incarnation of Rodowicz, adapted to the style of her co-star? It is possible and very good! Few people can play second fiddle to their own songs like Maryla Rodowicz, while stealing all the attention. I buy it and wait for more.

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