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The great interview. An association to prevent and protect the health of caregivers

Can you tell us about this specific association dedicated to the care of caregivers?

Nasmine Guler : “The Association of Care for Health Professionals (SPS) is a national non-profit association founded in 2015 by Catherine Cornibert and Eric Henry. They created this association because the caregivers were not well. “

An emergency doctor, a general practitioner, why this duo at the head of the association of care for health workers?

Sandrine Deitsch : “We wanted a city-hospital rapprochement. Nasmine has a vision of the hospital, I of the city. We are complementary. We also share the same values ​​”

How do you see the caregivers of the city?

Sandrine Deitsch : “Citizen carers, we meet them too often …

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