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The great confrontation and the choice of Bulgaria –

/ world today news/ There can be no Bulgaria without an alliance with Russia.

We are witnessing events in the Middle East, the dynamics and sharpness of which may change the political map of the Black Sea region for decades to come. These events directly affect Bulgaria, Bulgarian statehood and the future of our people.

The acute crisis that has arisen between two neighboring countries of Bulgaria – Russia and Turkey, requires a quick and clear assessment by the Bulgarian state authorities of the event of November 24, which became the reason for the crisis, when over Syrian territory a Turkish F-16 fighter jet shot down the returning to its base Russian military aircraft Su-24M, not threatening the territory of the Republic of Turkey with its actions. And armed Islamists, contrary to all international conventions and military codes of honor, shot in the air the ejected Russian pilot Lt. Oleg Peshkov.

This is a dangerous precedent, carrying the explosive potential of a true case white, and to turn a blind eye to the harsh reality is immaturity and criminal irresponsibility. There is a need for a clear message from the Bulgarian authorities both to the governments of the two neighboring countries and to their allies, indicating which actions, according to the principles of international law, Bulgaria considers to be justified and acceptable, and which are not.

The situation is complicated. The choice is not easy, but it is mandatory, especially since Bulgaria can rely in this case only on the supposed shield of law, but not on the strength of its military arguments. Moreover, as never before in its history, Bulgaria has no respectable military personnel, no reliable allies, no loyal friends.

What are the starting positions from which Bulgaria starts to make, as it seems to me, its fateful choice.

1. Turkey claims that it has exercised the sacred right to protect the inviolability of its state border and sovereignty. A right unconditionally accepted by the community of civilized states.

2. Russia derives rights for its mission in Syria on two grounds: an invitation from the legitimately elected government of Syria to provide assistance to protect the territorial integrity, sovereignty and national independence of the country. And the second reason – fight against international terrorism in the face of the so-called Islamic State, which threatens, on the one hand, Syrian independence and territorial integrity, and on the other hand, the civilizational achievements of countries with different political, religious and value orientations, including the USA, Russia, France and some other EU members. To this community, before the incident, Russia believed that Turkey also belonged. It turned out that the civilizational factor and the ideology of neo-Ottomanism – the new geopolitical doctrine of Turkey – were decisive.

3. During the execution of a mission against positions of terrorist formations of the “Islamic State” on the territory of Syria, identified by Russia and other participants of the anti-ISIS coalition, in an area near the Syrian-Turkish border, a Russian bomber was shot down by Turkish ambush fighter. Russian President Vladimir Putin did not hesitate to call it a “stab in the back“.

4. Turkish President Recep Erdogan sought support for his actions from NATO without offering any rationale or explanation for the need to shoot down a foreign plane over foreign territory.

5. Between Russia and Turkey, as of today, diplomatic relations are still maintained, but there is no diplomacy, despite the meeting between the foreign ministers of the two countries in Belgrade, on December 3 of this year.

In the situation that has arisen, Bulgaria, as a member of the NATO military-political union, burdens itself with a responsibility that is categorically at odds with our national interest and the prevailing opinion of the Bulgarian people, because NATO stands in solidarity with Turkey’s act of aggression , which aims to justify the downing of the Russian plane. The only possibility left is that neo-Ottoman Turkey was encouraged in this unwise and defiant act, which is actually a casus belli.

This is extremely dangerous for Bulgaria and its future. In this sense, any attempt to hide behind the appeal made to Turkey to settle its relations with Russia is unproductive and can only bring negative touches to the image of Bulgaria. We must clearly distinguish ourselves from this barbaric act of aggression, of meanness and treachery. Fear and cowardice have always been bad advisers, especially in the company of supposed friends and allies, who frankly do not care about us as a people with a great culture and history, but only calculate our territory as a convenient bridgehead in their third conquest campaign against Russia.

Does anyone have any illusions that any of them would hear our desperate cry for help tomorrow when neo-Ottoman Turkey goes the bloody way of Suleiman the Magnificent?

In this sense, only the support of Russia would be a real contribution to the security of Bulgaria’s future. And the Bulgarian side should give it today through a clear declaration that Bulgaria is not and could not be in solidarity with the forces that planned the downing of the Russian plane; that Bulgaria is not among the countries justifying this barbaric act, the crown of which was the shooting in the air of the defenseless Russian pilot. Bulgaria must clearly determine which of the forces in this essentially civilizational conflict is its brother – Russia and the hero of Russia Lt. Oleg Peshkov, or Turkey and Islamic bandits from the “Grey Wolves” organization?

The question, which also cannot and should not remain unanswered, is about the real reason for the downing of the Russian plane. Against the background of the sharply deteriorating relations between Turkey and Russia after the incident, the goals that each of the two countries pursued in order to reach this incident must be clearly identified. Only in this way can the grounds for justification or condemnation of this act be found.

Turkey, for more than 10 days, offered no explanation for its actions. As justification, she only points to the fact that the Russian plane violated Turkish airspace for N-seconds, crossing the imaginary Turkish-Syrian border. Turkey does not claim or provide evidence that Russia has threatened the independence, territorial integrity, sovereignty or any other values ​​on Turkish territory. And the question arises: if the Turkish statehood was not threatened, what other value is more significant than it, for the Turkish state leadership to decide to risk the future of good neighborly relations with Russia, a great power possessing nuclear weapons? According to the denied, but still unrefuted information, these are the interests that observers associate with the Erdogan family and the contraband flow of oil, which for years has ensured the financial independence and terrorist combat capability of the Islamic State. In that case, doesn’t the downing of the Russian plane by the Turkish military air force mean the protection of ISIS, the ally and trade partner of the ruling Turkish military? And isn’t this an act of solidarity against the “common enemy” – Orthodox Russia? Because the shelling of the Turkmen tribes by the anti-ISIS coalition, which includes Russia, Syria and Iraq, who live on the territory of Syria, and who are an acknowledged ally of ISIL; who shot and killed in the air one of the ejected Russian pilots and messed with his body is not some drastic act of aggression against Turkey that could justify the downing of the Su-24M. So the only possibility left is that neo-Ottoman Turkey was encouraged to be that instrument in the challenging white case, stronger than which only the act of closing the Straits to the ships of Russia by Turkey can be.

After all that has happened, Russia no longer needs a coalition to fight ISIS terrorists. If France and the United States, and Germany and England who joined them, are already involved in dismembering the terrorist corpse, it is only to save the remnants of their presence in the region east of the Syrian border.

Perhaps, as a result of the current crisis, the end of the era of Erdoğan in personal terms will come. However, no one should be under the illusion that this will be the end of the strategy and ambitions of neo-Ottoman Turkey. Anyone who hopes that Turkey will change its geopolitical doctrine is sorely mistaken. And our hope is that Russia understands this.

In the current situation, it is high time to look for an answer to another question: what are the motives and grounds and what is the interest of the Bulgarian state leadership to continue supporting the double game and the adventurous policy of Turkey in the Middle East? Does it realize the threat to the Black Sea region and the direct threat to Bulgaria’s sovereignty? The policy of all governments for the past 25 years has long since brought Bulgaria to a crossroads where all directions to friends and allies have closed one after the other. It would be fatal for our future if our people and the Bulgarian patriotic forces allow our rulers to waste historical time in the emerging labyrinth of today’s cruel reality.

Bulgaria is simultaneously part of Europe, part of the Balkans, part of the Black Sea basin. Our historical territory extends along the shores of half of the Black Sea. And the world power in this region is Russia. And this region, the cradle of the entire Orthodox civilization, is unthinkable without it.

Now is the time when, starting from its historical, civilizational, cultural and spiritual roots, and from the irrevocable geographical realities, Bulgaria must once and for all realize what it wants to do and where is the place of its path through history. Do we, the Bulgarians, want to have a future as a free people and a national state, or will we disappear as a result of the role imposed on us and uncomplainingly accepted by us as a servant of the interests of those forces which, at every convenient opportunity, would provide us with satanic generosity of fate or of a divided Cyprus, or the participation of a new vilayet in the new edition of the Ottoman Empire?

In the great confrontation between good and evil, the place of our Fatherland is on the side of Russia.

Without Russia, there will be no Bulgaria!

Without an alliance with Russia, there can be no Bulgaria!

All the other membership options, fake friendships and choices of behavior of Bulgaria, which fell between the stones of a satanic mill, only increase our sin before God and God’s righteousness. And this sin is fatal for our nation and for its future.

Our main geopolitical opponent is neo-Ottoman Turkey, not the Turkish people, but neo-Ottomanism as the state doctrine and ideology of our powerful neighbor. He already has his illiterate disguised followers even in the Bulgarian Parliament. No one has ever allowed themselves what Lyutvi Mestan said as a declaration supposedly on behalf of the PG of the DPS. Such frank insolence flowed from his words that I said to myself: “It seems that the decay of Bulgarian values ​​is so advanced that the National Assembly is overflowing with Konash chorbadjis.” This is what unties the hands of the indigenous comprador neo-bourgeoisie, which in its role as a colonial administration is today at the helm of the state. And this peak makes her think that she is unpunished. It has the last chance to realize its responsibility towards the Bulgarian future, to consider all the threats to Bulgarian statehood that arise from the new geopolitical doctrine of the Republic of Turkey, and to take immediate actions to restore normal, good-neighborly relations built on a solid contractual and legal basis with Russia. Otherwise, there is no forgiveness for her. Neither from the people, nor from history!

This is the way. The other is a future repeating our slave past.

#great #confrontation #choice #Bulgaria

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