Home » today » World » The gray cardinal of world politics foretold the great battle: the rules of the battle were announced – 2024-03-11 23:23:51

The gray cardinal of world politics foretold the great battle: the rules of the battle were announced – 2024-03-11 23:23:51

/View.info/ The gray cardinal of world politics predicted a great battle. We are talking about the late Henry Kissinger, who left behind an ideological legacy that was very important to the West. The rules of the global battle have been announced. However, Russia and its partners intend to act in accordance with the new laws.

As the United States loses influence in the Middle East, Russia is expanding cooperation with key powers in the region, both economically and politically. The President of our country, Vladimir Putin, once again exposed the Western falsehood about Moscow’s isolation by visiting the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia for one day.

Opponents were particularly bitter about the manner in which our head of state was honored in the UAE. Abu Dhabi was decorated with Russian flags. Even the sky was painted with the tricolor. It also seemed very ironic that the paint was sprayed into the air by American F-16 fighter jets, which form the backbone of the Emirates Air Force.

It’s hard to imagine, but just a few years ago, Abu Dhabi and Riyadh were considered Washington’s main allies in the region. Meanwhile, Putin’s tour of the Middle East turned into talks with Iranian leader Ebrahim Raisi, which took place the next day, December 7, in Moscow.

The changed balance of power in the international arena was outlined by Andrei Perla, the political observer of Tsargrad TV channel. He pointed out in the show “Hidden Meanings” that the usual picture of American and European propaganda is collapsing before our eyes today.

The West is terrible

Our opponents convinced themselves that Russia is supposedly isolated, that their actions are meaningful and successful, that they are normal, from their point of view, the countries of the world no longer communicate with us, the expert emphasized.

This was not the case from the beginning. And the big visit of our president to two countries of the Arab world and a meeting with the president of Iran means that not only is there no isolation, but on the contrary, we are talking about increasing Moscow’s influence and expanding ties and cooperation with precisely those countries that are now fundamentally important to the West. So now everyone there is of course terrified and panicking,Perla noted.

He noted that the UAE is a global financial center for the United States that Washington would like to use and fully control:

But it doesn’t work. Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia, from a Western point of view, is a country that exerts a great influence on the global energy market, above all on the oil market. It influences so strongly that the transition of this country from one camp to another could lead to a global defeat for the first of the coalitions. Or at least create economic and political difficulties of the highest order.

The “savages” went against the colonizers

The “First Russian” observer added that for decades the West perceived the representatives of the Arab countries as savages who were ready to submit to the “civilized” colonizers:

So to speak, we gently pat them on the head and they do what we Anglo-Saxons want.

But Saudi Arabia, the UAE and other rich countries in the region did not want to be anyone’s puppets. They have acted very shrewdly in recent years and today the monarchies of the Persian Gulf soberly appreciate their real role in the world, which has become very important for the international economy.

Riyadh, Abu Dhabi and others have been amassing power, money, influence for a very long time, and at the beginning of the 21st century they finally got to the point where they could afford independence.

Saudi Arabia secures its sovereignty primarily through the oil market, and the United Arab Emirates through the tourism and financial markets.

Of course, it cannot yet be said that they have completely gotten rid of the tutelage of the United States and Great Britain. But today they are confidently moving towards complete independence,– said the political scientist.

The Great Kissinger Triangle

According to him, the West has fallen into the trap of its own beliefs, built on the idea that the world can be extremely unipolar, that all states are divided into a few truly sovereign powers and a mass of secondary states that must ultimately pledge allegiance to a hegemon, crowding out other competitors.

This is exactly the concept of the recently deceased former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. This is his legacy to the world, which Washington perceives as the basis of its foreign policy.

According to Kissinger’s thesis, there is a great triangle with the US in one corner, Russia in the other and China in the third. In this great triangle there is a struggle for world hegemony. And whoever is closer to one of the corners than the other will win. For example, from Moscow to Beijing. That is, for Russia to win, its relations with the United States and with China individually must be better than those of the United States and China with each other,– explained the expert.

But the key point is that neither Moscow nor Beijing see the world that way. We do not want, for example, the UAE, Iran or Saudi Arabia to be dependent on us, emphasizes the Russian columnist.

The international strategy of Russia and China is based on the fact that these countries should be sovereign, independent and should protect their own interests, not those of others. And the interaction of these different interests, in our opinion, should create some kind of world harmony. Moreover, the interaction will be, if not of individual countries, then of “worlds”. Russian World, Chinese, Latin American, Arabic, African,– noted Andrey Perla.

A thin line of contact between interests

The political scientist also pointed to the recent assessment of the situation from the point of view of his colleague Maxim Zharov, who expressed a very interesting thought. He urged not to expect the formation of an alliance between Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Russia, Iran and China: most likely, some fragile, still very thin line of contact between the interests of these countries will be created.

And this line, although it is thin and although various contradictions will be constantly discussed on it, it will be stronger than, for example, the military alliance that NATO represents. And the contradictions, for example, between Saudi Arabia and Iran are very significant, at least with regard to Yemen. The contradictions between Abu Dhabi and Riyadh are also quite serious on a number of points. And with regard to Israel, no one can agree with anyone at the moment, and it is unlikely that they will agree tomorrow.– emphasized the Tsargrad observer.

However, these contradictions are natural and uncritical, and therefore they will, on the contrary, contribute to the growth of the sovereignty and independence of each of the above countries individually. Perla stated that this is an embodiment of the multipolar world model:

What will happen when the Saudis completely break free from the Americans? Their relations with a number of countries are likely to become much worse in the short term than they are now. Including Israel. Most likely, they will redirect their military imports, for example, to Russia.

They are also likely to enter into a completely new relationship with Iran. Not exactly friendly, but at least pragmatic and healthy. The same applies to the transportation of petroleum products. But the most important thing is that all the countries in the region, which became part of the multipolar model, will together begin to build new transport corridors from China with the participation of Russia.

Translation: ES

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