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The Grand Paris Nord hospital, future flagship of health in Seine-Saint-Denis

Posted Jul 29, 2022, 11:00 AM

It is one of the biggest hospital projects in the whole of Ile-De-France. The future “Grand Paris Nord Hospital”, in Saint-Ouen (Seine-Saint-Denis) should replace by 2028 the Bichat-Claude-Bernard hospitals, in the 18th arrondissement of Paris, and Beaujon, in Clichy (Hauts-de -Seine). These two establishments, classified as high-rise buildings, indeed require major renovations, which are more expensive than reconstruction and do not allow the continuation of activity.

Reinvesting in health in Seine-Saint-Denis

Carried by the Assistance Publique Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP), the Grand Paris Nord Hospital should also, through its location, re-equip the north of Paris with health facilities. It will thus host the historical specialties of the Beaujon and Bichat-Claude-Bernard AP-HP hospitals: all the disciplines related to the digestive system, cardiology, a lungs center and an infectious diseases center, with the establishment of the institute of research on emerging diseases.

“The Grand Paris-Nord hospital will also include a maternity ward, in connection with the other specialties, a substantial emergency department and several secondary disciplines to play the role of a local hospital. We also want to develop a high-level transplant institute there,” says Jean-Baptiste Hagenmüller, deputy director of the AP-HP and project director of this future establishment.

Territorial cooperation

Although the hospital will not include any oncology or cancer service, “we will collaborate with the hospitals of Saint-Louis (Paris 10th), Avicennes (Bobigny) and Jean Verdier (Bondy)”, specifies Jean-Baptiste Hagenmüller.

This objective of cooperation with all the local health actors is embodied in a “territorial health project” currently under discussion, and which will make it possible in particular to « to share medical files and redefine everyone’s role t between the hospital and the municipal health centre” in the words of doctor Mohad Djouab, director of health at Saint-Ouen town hall. Another major subject: training. The Grand Paris Nord hospital will also host, from 2027, research and the 12,500 medical students of the Paris Cité University.

A battle of numbers in court

But despite these good intentions, and a massive investment in this new establishment (1.278 billion euros, including 901 million disbursed by the AP-HP and the rest by the University of Paris Cité), the project divides. After several demonstrations, a collective made up of the SUD Santé AP-HP union, the Inter-Hôpitaux collective, the Inter-Urgences collective filed an appeal in May for excess of power with the Administrative Court of Paris to invalidate the declaration of public utility. of the project.


Billions The amount invested in the new hospital

If he claims to be in favor of the project itself, the collective hopes through this action that the AP-HP will make it more ambitious. Indeed, the project only provides for 941 permanent hospital beds, against approximately 1,300 cumulative beds between the Bichat and Beaujon hospitals. The AP-HP, it puts forward a total of 1,303 beds.

This difference is due to the consideration by the AP-HP of the 94 additional beds, usable only in the event of crowding in split rooms, as well as 116 beds called “exceptional health situations”, deployable in less than a day. week in a catering area, a logistics area or even part of the hospital car park.

Private hospital hotel

A private hospital hotel, whose building permit has already been filed but whose name of the future owner is not yet known, must also be built near the future establishment. Solely dedicated to the reception of approximately 150 patients before or after their charge and not requiring follow-up, this hotel must allow easier access to the hospital for patients, without them occupying a medical bed. . The cost of these hotel nights must also be taken in full by Social Security.

The AP-HP does not wish to react to this appeal, but specifies that “as a court decision is not expected for several months, and these appeals are not suspensive, the project owners are continuing the technical investigation campus hospital and university projects.

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