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the grades, the report cards and the ranking according to the stars

The 2021 horoscope is eagerly awaited especially because, after the great social changes around the world of 2020 and after the stormy start of 2021, we want to have some more certainty about what awaits us at least from the point of view astrological. This is why your heart astrologer, in addition to2021 horoscope told in detail, has also decided to dedicate a post to the votes for each zodiac sign for the next 12 months. Will you pass 2021 with flying colors or will you be close to passing? In all cases, do not get discouraged because, as always, free will will also prevail over the horoscope.


As I have already told you, the beauty of this 2021 will be precisely the balance that you will be able to demonstrate between the enthusiasm, passion, liveliness that are typical of your character and a new ability to ponder wisely. Therefore, despite Saturn in favor, boredom will not take over from your impetuous madness. To understand: where blind passion will not want to hear reasons nor advice when identifying a goal to be conquered, practically immediately, against Saturn in favor (in sextile from the sign of Aquarius) it will be able to make you at least program a roadmap step with a lot of possible second thoughts, which usually never happens consideration.

Rating: 7 abundant


This year Taurus will definitely have to turn the list of things that make you happy. Above all, it will be good that from the beginning of the year you roll up your sleeves and do well to advise you from some friends who you think are particularly courageous, daring, crazy and creative in changes. All this because the change, whether you want it or not, will be part of the next 12 months even if you will try in every way to keep it away from your door as when you do not answer the intercom knowing that it is only an advertising promotion.

Rating: 6 very poor


I know that you will be delighted by hearing about the next 12 months that await you and above all, spoilers, of the second half of 2021 if you belong to the third decade of those born in the sign of Gemini or, more or less, to those born between on 10 and 20 June. In fact, having Jupiter and Saturn in favor at the same time means that not only you will be even more captivating and fascinating than usual but also that then, once you have conquered the prey, whether it is a boyfriend or a new passion, you will not get tired of it within a poor week. . So in short, pay attention to what your conquest goals are because you could carry them with you for a long, long time.

Rating:: 9


Dear Cancer, I don’t know if you have already recovered from the celebrations that began just before Christmas when you discovered that, after three very long years, Saturn had finally devoted himself to pissing off another sign that it wasn’t you. In any case, when you recover from the delirium of happiness and relief and you read this horoscope 2021 you can be happy that at the same time the next 12 months reserve you so much rest, of what you like curled up on the sofa looking at infinity, caressing the cat, but also a great desire to philosophize, idealize, plan big. Better times are expected for implementation.

Rating: 7 + for encouragement


Let’s say that the stars put you to the test in 2021 that you will be called, in the next 12 months, to answer with greater clarity and commitment to all the questions that Saturn will ask you against practically like the officer of the Guardia di Finanza when he strikes his foot nervous in front of your confused accounting books. Fortunately, on these screens your trusted astrologer wrote a post on how to face Saturn against and luckily, thanks to your innate characteristics, you are one who does not give up and who has the courage to get involved in any occasion. . Get used to a bit of financial hardship and having to make mature decisions, not always the best ones from an aesthetic and hedonistic point of view.

Rating: 4 and a half


You can continue, as you have already begun to do in 2020 despite everything, to enjoy these months in which the realization of your projects seems to follow a thread that is not always logical but rather impulsive, courageous, passionate. Uranus in favor makes you more shrewd, faster, even sometimes opportunistic but certainly never hesitant: ethics always remains a great quality of yours but in this case sometimes the desire to succeed will pass in front of you and even in a short time. So, even if Neptune were to create you some problems of disappointment due to a careless flight of pindaric, know that the recovery will be the fastest you have ever seen in your life also because, whatever happens, the adrenaline for what you have dared trying will be stronger than any other feeling.

Rating: 8

Weight scale

It is the year of my Libra redemption: ban on any kind of self-criticism and limitation in the name of elegance, good education, formality. In the next 12 months your horoscope predicts that you decide not only for yourself but also for the people around you who will have to take your wishes seriously, even those you do not have the courage or the desire to officially declare, and get busy, on pain of being expelled immediately without any possibility of reinstatement.

Rating: 8+


I try to be good and optimistic by giving you 4/5 and not a straight four Scorpionaccio because I know that you are already one who does not skimp on self-criticism, self-pity, paranoia and torment. The fact is that in this 2021 between Uranus in opposition and Jupiter and Saturn that do not seem to want to collaborate, you will find yourself having to change your destination several times along the way: for this reason, if I can give you some advice, avoid making big projects and above all try to see the positive side also in some novelties that, let’s be clear, not only did you not consider me you did not even want to try. The beauty is that the emotions you will experience will be so many that you will never be bored in front of a TV series for teens. Indeed, all this torment will lead you even more to investigate that part of the subconscious that you believe to be much, much more interesting than you do appear on the outside.

Rating: 4/5


Your 2021 Sagittarius is a bit like when you are doing the cost tu Cost on a convertible in the United States and in front of you there is a long road the high sun and even a gas station complete with fast-food right at a few kilometers. Virtually everything seems to be going smoothly over the next 12 months, so much so that you won’t even believe it completely. The beauty is that things run smoothly, in fact, and that you will have a lot of desire to share pleasures, talk, entertainment … The only problem, if we really wanted to find one, will be that your temptation to abandon yourself unconsciously and imprudently to new projects and opportunities will be even more unstoppable than usual. So in short, but be careful not to overdo it because there is always a square Neptune that can bring disappointments with which to deal.

Rating: 7


This 6 and a half is a well-deserved Capricorn even if for 2021 there are no big man shows of the year but rather a period of privacy and tranquility. I know that you are already snorting to hear about tranquility but remember that after three years with Saturn that has urged you to be unquestionably the top of the class, now you deserve a little rest and above all you deserve to get your strength back on track. , to put the projects in order and to redo the list of priorities. So, don’t take 2021 as a year without stimuli but simply as a time of preparation for future projects that, knowing you, will have nothing mediocre at all. Oh, I forgot, if in the coming months you could also dedicate a little more time to the people you love it would be really appreciated by you!

Rating: 6 and a half


For sure yours will be the protagonist sign of this 2021 but also, make yourself comfortable, of the coming years. This era of the aquarium will see you taken as an example as the greatest exponent of those characteristics that it would be good to develop, or train, lend in step with the times. Of course, all this seems to give you a certain performance anxiety and therefore in 2021 you will have to get to work, give advice in the kindest way possible, set a good example for the people around you. You will therefore feel invested with a certain amount of responsibility that you would have gladly done without and that will take your time away from your beloved amusements without any interference.

Rating: 9+


Whatever grade I will give you for these next 12 months, I am sure that within a few days you will have already forgotten it. This is not only because you are, notoriously, among the most careless zodiac signs of the zodiac, but also because in this 2021 your thoughts will be many, indeed many, but none concrete enough to worry about the astrologer’s vote. The great thing in 2021 will be that your thoughts will always be in the clouds and will have no intention, and no need, to return to earth. This will be truly wonderful for someone like you who loves to get lost in the imagination without necessarily needing an effective feedback.

Rating: 7

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