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The government wants to mediate in the clash between Tim and Starlink

MILAN — The tug of war between Tim and Elon Musk’s Starlink is destined to end soon, for both theAgcom that the Ministry of Enterprise are working on to put the two companies around a table to find a solution.

The issue dates back to last December when Musk and his Starlink arrived in Italy, making “institutional tour”, ready to invest in the country and offer their satellite telephone service also in Italy. Since then mentre Eolo and Open Fiber have opened a dialogue technician with Starlink, sharing the coordinates of their radio links to avoid interference between the operators’ services, Tim would not have given great signs of opening up. For what reason? As a market leader it uses 28 Ghz frequencies and would not have wanted to share sensitive information with Musk’s group. There sensation of some observersi is that Tim, number one in both services and the fixed network – now being sold to KKR – has it all the interest in slowing down Starlink’s entry into Italy: represents a new competitor in the business segment that is most profitable for it.

Urso on the field for a mediation

But the government wants to mediate. «The ministry immediately takes part in a discussion and coordination table between Tim and Starlink to find a solution – said Business Minister Adolfo Urso yesterday – which can allow the best coexistence of the two technologies, as required by law”. Urso yesterday also spoke on the issue of golden power, in view of the Tim assembly on 23 April, in which it will have to be renewed trust in the current management led by Pietro Labriolawhich in recent months has managed the negotiation to sell its network to KKR and the Mef.

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«The offices of Palazzo Chigi will prepare the investigation on the golden power – said Urso – that we have always used to protect national interests but also with respect for foreign actors operating in our country”. That is to say Vivendithe group’s largest shareholder with 23.75% of the capital, whose vote will determine who will be the winner among the four lists competing at the meeting.

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With a Prime Ministerial Decree of October 2017, the then Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni it listed a series of requirements for Vivendi, pursuant to the golden power, to protect a strategic company. Among these, specific commitments from Vivendi on governance to ensure security and investments in strategic assets such as the network and Sparkle. Right yesterday the golden power committee convened the leaders of Tim and those of its main French shareholder. Although it was a technical meeting, CEO Labriola personally went to Palazzo Chigi, while Vivendi sent a detailed letterin which he recalled that he no longer participates in the governance and management of Tim, did not indicate his representatives for the renewal of the board of directors, did not rule out abstaining on certain issues in the meeting where he will support his list for the board of statutory auditors, which falls outside the Prime Ministerial Decree on the Golden Gower.

#government #mediate #clash #Tim #Starlink
– 2024-04-03 18:38:23

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