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The Government sets a final date for the end of masks on public transport | Present

The wait is over. A few days ago, rumors were raging that the mandatory use of masks on public transport would soon end, but it has finally become official.

As the Minister of Health, Carolina Darias, revealed in an act with the Gasol Foundation on Thursday, January 26, The Government will test the end of the mandatory use of masks on public transport on February 7. Nevertheless, they must continue to be used in all types of health centers and pharmacies.

“We have a very stable epidemiological situation. The proposal that the Alert Report has already made will be submitted to the Council of Ministers”, declares. According to the information collected by The country, Health has announced that it was planned to maintain the mandatory nature of the face mask around March. “After weeks of debates by the technicians, the decision comes from verifying that despite the fact that there have been practically no restrictions (beyond the masks themselves), the epidemiological situation has been stable for months in Spain,” the outlet explains.

A young woman in public transport / Westend61 (Getty Images)

On this, the Biology doctor from the University of Navarra, Ignacio López Goñi, assures that the use of masks on public transport is not as effective as is believed. “In a closed, poorly ventilated place, with many people, talking, for a long time the probability of contagion is greater. If the mask is mandatory on public transport, for the same reason it should be in other places such as cinemas, theaters, restaurants , discos… If it’s not mandatory in those places, it doesn’t make sense for it to be on public transport. Consistency”he explains in El País.

Celebration in the networks

The end of the mandatory nature of masks on public transport has been one of the most celebrated news on social networks. Users, who had been waiting months for the arrival of this moment, have not been slow to share their excitement. “FINALLY THE FUCKING MASKS OUT IN TRANSPORTATION”, says a user. “Finally they remove the masks and I will go back to painting my lips every day,” jokes a young woman.

And you, what do you think of the end of the mandatory nature of masks on public transport?

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