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The Government regulated the labor reform

The Government publishes the labor reform today in the Official Gazette. There is a national university strike over the approved budget and against next year’s budget. Today the poverty figure is known. Witnesses of Alberto Fernández testify. Milei, in Córdoba, by fire. There are serious fires in Ecuador. Zelensky meets with Biden and Harris.

1. There is labor reform

The Government published today in the Official Gazette the regulation of 17 items of the labor chapter of the Base Law.

Key points:

  • Individual cancellation: the difference between resignation and dismissal disappears, because everything depends on an agreement between employee and employer. Another possible option is the severance fund (worker contributions for the day they lose their job). If not, you can take out insurance for coverage.
  • Laundering of workers: Debts or fines are forgiven for those who do it and there are fewer obligations for the employer.
  • Freelance worker: When the employer has up to three workers, it is no longer considered a dependency relationship. They can be self-employed or monotributistas.
  • Justified dismissals: considers taking over the workplace or blocking it as a form of protest as grounds for dismissal.
  • Maternity leaves: allows the leave to be from 10 days before the birth (previously it was up to 45 days before or 30 if the employer allowed it).

I share with you a thread interesting from Luis Campos, a specialist from the Autonomous CTA, who raises what could happen regarding this in Justice.

A couple of months ago, the Secretary of Labor, Julio Cordero, met with part of the CGT and then summoned to businessmen to finish agreeing what was discussed with unions about the regulations.

The union representatives had requested that the regulations for the Profit reform be made with a higher floor, something to which Casa Rosada did not agree. But this week we also saw how The Government brought down the discussion in a committee to reform union legislation, which seeks, for example, to limit re-elections and the management of social works in unions.

2. University strike

The Federation of Teachers of National Universities (FEDUN) today a strike across the country as part of the fight plan to demand better salaries and financing for public study houses.

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To make the conflict visible there are various activities this week that end next Wednesday, October 2, in what is expected to be a new massive march.

The National Interuniversity Council (rectors), the Trade Union Front of National Universities (teaching and non-teaching) and the Argentine University Federation (students) they call for that march in support of the University Financing Law and against the Government’s 2025 budget project.

A couple of weeks ago, Congress approved this year’s budget update for universities, but the president warned that he was going to veto it. You have until Wednesday to do it. The UBA made a spot against the veto.

Yesterday, the Ministry of Human Capital said in a statementamong other things, that the dialogue with the universities was never cut off. From the study houses, they relativize it. The Government begins to slide intention to transfer university financing to the provinces.

3. Poverty

The INDEC is going to announce this afternoon, at 4:00 p.m., the poverty figure for the first half of the year. As a parameter, a few days ago we learned that the price of the Total Basic Basket In July it rose 4.4%: a couple with a 6-year-old son and an 8-year-old son needed 939,886 pesos to buy the minimum amount of food, clothing and services to not be poor.

Another fact to take into account these days is that, according to the estimate of the Argentine Social Debt Observatory of the Argentine Catholic University (ODSA-UCA), poverty reached 52% of the country’s population and indigence at 17.9%, in the first half of the year. It was the highest semi-annual figure in the last 20 years.

He latest data from INDEC In this regard, it says that poverty in the second half of 2023 was 41.7%, just below the 42% registered in the same period of 2020 (42%), during the pandemic quarantine.

More data from INDEC, from yesterday: economic activity fell 1.3% year-on-year in July but grew 1.7% compared to June. Let’s get to the details. Agriculture, livestock, hunting and forestry y Exploitation of mines and quarries They were the sectors with the greatest year-on-year increases, the countryside rose after a year of drought. Construction, Manufacturing Industry and Commerce They had the worst performances.

Las sales in supermarkets They fell 12.3% year-on-year in July and 0.1% compared to the previous month. That is, well below last year but without falling from June to July (the date was a little far away, it is true, because there are industries that have been counting complications in August). In the case of sales wholesalersis the worst number since 2019.

4. Witnesses of the former president

They are summoned to testify today the first two witnesses of former president Alberto Fernández in the case that accuses him of gender violence against his ex-partner Fabiola Yáñez.

These two women, identified in the file as “A” and “G” (their names were revealed, but the prosecutor’s request is that their confidentiality be maintained), must appear before prosecutor Ramiro González. They were workers at Quinta de Olivos in the previous management.

And what is coming is that Fernández himself be cited soon to be investigated, after the first round of witnesses. An expert report on Yáñez’s cell phone is also being processed.

5. Milei was in Córdoba

As I told you yesterday, the president landed from the United States and He went to Córdoba due to forest fires. Together with Governor Martín Llaryora, he flew over some affected areas. They claimed him not to go down to greet the firefighters.

The government of Córdoba reported that there are more than 47 thousand hectares burned since the beginning of the year. The outbreak of Villa Berna was contained. In Punilla and Chancaní, work continues to put out the flames. There are 10 defendants: for setting fires and attacking firefighters. Three of the people named have already been convicted of arson. The detainees are 17 in total.

Look what nature saysone of the most prestigious scientific journals in the world: that the size of the Earth’s surface heated by forest fires is amplified once the fire is put out.

6. Fire, also in Quito

The president of Ecuador, Daniel Noboa, canceled the agenda that was planned around the United Nations General Assembly, in New York, where Javier Milei was in recent days. “I return to command all efforts against the enemy we face,” he wrote. on social network.

Noboa was going to give his speech yesterday at the General Assembly and it was going to be, as in the case of Milei, his first intervention before the organization since he took office in 2023.

The fire affects Quito, which was paralyzed yesterday, without classes, with routes cut off and with the obligation to telework. The Armed Forces joined in to fight the fire.

7. Zelensky, with Biden and Harris

From the Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelensky, will meet today in the White House with his American counterpart Joe Biden and his vice and Democratic candidate Kamala Harris.

It was reported from Ukraine that Zelensky will bring a list of requests that includes inviting his country to join NATO. “The Victory Plan” is the title of the Ukrainian’s list to strengthen kyiv’s position if the time comes for negotiations with Russia before the end of the year at a summit promoted by Zelensky himself.

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