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The government parties had closed the party with 126 participants the night before new measures – VG

PARTY: Labor and Social Democrats arranged a gathering at the nightclub Blå on Wednesday night. Trygve Slagsvold Vedum and Jonas Gahr Støre gave a speech during the party.

Less than a day before the Støre government announced that they would introduce strict corona measures, Labor and Social Democrat politicians had a joint party at the nightclub Blå in Oslo.


At 4 pm on Thursday afternoon, Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre invited to a press conference in the marble hall of the Ministry of Climate and the Environment.

The measures he announced against the coronavirus is strict, including bandages and number restrictions in the Oslo region.

On Wednesday, there were no number restrictions for events or gatherings in Oslo. The new measures will not be introduced until midnight on 3 December.

After the press conference, Støre said that the government has worked with the measures through the night:

– We have worked with this through the night and early morning hours. What we have now done is to land a regional package, which is a measure here in the Oslo region and the surrounding municipalities, Støre said to Dagbladet.

VG can now tell that the Labor Party and the Socialist Party’s party offices invited the government to a gathering at the nightclub Blå on Grünerløkka in Oslo on Wednesday night.

CLOSED PARTY: It was at the nightclub Blå on Grünerløkka that the collection was.

Labor confirms party

In a photo posted by one of the Labor politicians who were present, Jonas Gahr Støre and Trygve Slagsvold Vedum are on the outdoor stage at Blå.

In the picture of the Prime Minister and the Minister of Finance, the “Radar pair” is written. The two gave a speech at the party where they talked about building teams, VG is informed by one of the party participants.

Ingrid Langrud, the Labor Party’s head of communications, confirms in an e-mail to VG that the party took place, and that employees and politicians in the parliamentary groups, in the party offices and in the government apparatus were invited.

– Is it true that the government parties had a party at Blå yesterday?

– Yes, Langerud answers.

– We were 126 participants in total who stopped by during the evening, she writes further.

PRESS CONFERENCE: On Thursday at 4 pm, the government presented new corona measures. Here by Minister of Health Ingvild Kjerkol (Labor Party), Minister of Finance Trygve Slagsvold Vedum (Social Democrats) and Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre (Labor Party).

Ap: Wrong signal to cancel

– Did you know then that you were going to present very intrusive measures that affect, among other things, the catering industry the next day?

– No, we did not know. During the evening, we were made aware that the health authorities were working on recommendations for new measures due to the omicron infection, but it was not clear what they would recommend.

– Støre said that he worked through the night and in the early morning hours. Is this wrong or did he work at a party?

– Støre visited the collection for about half an hour from 7.30 pm, before he went home.

– What kind of signal does this give to people who have to cancel Christmas dinners?

– The health authorities have been concerned that people should comply with the rules and recommendations in force at any given time. Therefore, we thought that canceling a meeting that was within the current council, would be a wrong signal to send, writes Langerud.

– In the same way as the health authorities are now clear that Christmas dinners can also be held in the next two weeks if you follow the advice and rules that are introduced at midnight.

She adds that they had a good collaboration with the landlord, and says they have gained a lot of experience in ensuring that good infection control is observed on site.

IN BLUE: The Labor Party has had events at the nightclub by the Akerselva before. Here at a press breakfast to summarize the last political half of June 2020.

Kjerkol was not at the nightclub

Lars Vangen (Sp), State Secretary for Vedum in the Ministry of Finance, confirms that the government was at a meeting at Blå on Wednesday night.

– The party offices invited to the gathering yesterday, yes, he writes in a text message to VG.

Political adviser Kai Steffen Østensen (Labor Party) informs VG that Minister of Health and Care Services Ingvild Kjerkol (Labor Party) did not participate in the gathering at the nightclub Blå.

– She was in the office until midnight, and had digital meetings with Støre, among others, throughout the evening, Østensen writes in an SMS.

Wiener sausages and garnish

Operations Manager Andreas Kittelsen at Blå says that there were 20 guests left at 00.30. They closed the restaurant at one o’clock.

He states that the guests paid for the alcohol themselves.

– We served very simple food. It was Viennese sausages and some garnish from Strøm Larsen, says Kittelsen.

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