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“The Government Offers Maximum Remuneration to Interim Doctors at Hospital”

A sign that the government has become aware of the extent of the risks? The Minister of Health François Braun made a gesture on Monday afternoon, announcing that the maximum remuneration of interim doctors will be strictly capped at 1,390 euros per call from Monday April 3, instead of the 1,170 euros planned until now. The “Rist law”, named after the majority MP Stéphanie Rist and adopted in April 2021, provides that each hospital is prohibited from exceeding this ceiling. But it was not really applied until now.

The temporary workers, who sometimes travel long distances and without whom many hospital services cannot function, are they ready to play the game and accept this outstretched hand? Nothing is less sure. Especially for those, few in number, who can pocket up to 3,000 or even 4,000 euros per day. “He adds us 9 euros gross per hour on an indecent basis. Let him withdraw his law, there is no possible alternative, ”thunders Éric Reboli, president of the National Union of Hospital Replacement Physicians (SNMRH).

“It’s about destroying the hospital even more”

This April 3 deadline is bad for the government. In the midst of a social crisis, marked by a new day of demonstrations against the pension reform on Tuesday, he would prefer to avoid disrupted hospital services… or even closed due to a lack of temporary workers. The leaders of the SNMRH say they are “determined to refuse any ceiling that implies that the practice of medicine is irresponsible and contemptible”.

“Under the pretext of moralizing and denouncing a few bad apples that we strongly condemn, it is a question of further destroying the public hospital, and with it our country”, thunders the union in a letter sent Monday to elected officials, referring to certain guards paid at exorbitant rates.

“Each risky situation will be studied”, promised François Braun on several occasions. The former emergency physician, supported in particular by the French Hospital Federation, is not against temporary work in general. But he wants to fight against his “excesses” and the “mercenaries”. The regional health agencies have been mobilized for several weeks to find alternatives on a case-by-case basis. “No patient will be left without a solution”, we assure the Ministry of Health.

Another gesture: François Braun announced Monday that the “territorial solidarity bonus”, intended for hospital doctors who agree to lend a hand to hospitals in their region, may be increased by 30%. According to the Minister of Health, a practitioner in reinforcement could thus receive “up to 2,200 euros gross” if he comes to work 24 hours on weekends, and “1,700 euros gross” during the week.

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