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The Government of the Netherlands suspends its plan to reduce flights at Schiphol

The Government of the Netherlands has temporarily suspended its plan to reduce flights at Schiphol, as announced last Tuesday, after opposition from airlines and protests from various countries and scrutiny from the European Union.

“We are examining whether the process undertaken by the Dutch Government to reduce flights is in line with EU law,” said the Commission’s Director of Mobility and Transport, Magda Kopcznska.

The Government of the Netherlands, on June 24, advanced its decision to “give priority to the fight against noise nuisance, while ensuring that the airport can continue to fulfill its economic function. This means that Amsterdam Schiphol Airport will no longer be able to exceed established noise nuisance limits, effectively limiting flight movements to a maximum of 440,000 per year. It is expected that this maximum can come into force in November of next year.”

And he justified it by pointing out that “The airport is located in a highly urbanized area, in one of the busiest areas of the country, and has negative effects on those who live nearby. “Local residents are exposed to aircraft noise and are also concerned about the impact of the airport on their health, the natural environment and the climate in general.”

And he concluded that “the Government seeks to achieve a balance between the importance of having a large international airport (which is also good for the business community) and a better and healthier living environment. The Council of Ministers approved the proposal of the Minister of Infrastructure and Water Management, Mark Harbers, on establishing a new balance.”

A few months later and after the contrary national and international reaction, the Government has decided to paralyze the measure.

2023-11-16 06:23:57
#Government #Netherlands #suspends #plan #reduce #flights #Schiphol

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