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The government has lost majority support, its legitimacy should be questioned!

The Chairman of the CTP, Tufan Erhürman, said that the current government has lost the support of the majority in the Parliament and he confirmed that the legitimacy of the government should be questioned.

Erhürman said that in a parliamentary democracy, the government needs the support of an absolute majority in Parliament to receive a vote of confidence, but the current government could not provide this support.

The main points of Erhürman’s statements are as follows:

  1. In parliamentary democracies, the government must have the support of the majority in Parliament, minority governments are exceptions.
  2. He pointed out that the government needs the support of an absolute majority to receive a vote of confidence, and that this is one of the basic rules of parliamentary democracy.
  3. He said that even if it is not written in the Constitution, a government that does not have an absolute majority of its budget should resign as a practice.
  4. Although it is claimed that the government formed by three parties currently has 29 deputies, he emphasized that he could not achieve an absolute majority in the election of the president of the Parliament.
  5. The fact that the government nominated three different people and did not reach an absolute majority in 15 votes was considered a clear sign that they had lost majority support.
  6. He said that the events in Parliament and the sealed votes seen in the last vote made it all the more clear that the government had lost support.
  7. Erhürman said that the bills and the budget would not pass under these conditions, and he said that the government had lost its responsibility and that there was no solution but early elections.

Erhürman described this situation as “needless expansion” and said that the country’s time had been wasted.

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