Jakarta, Gatra.com – Director of Prevention and Control of Vector-borne and Zoonotic Diseases (P2PTVZ) Dr.drh. Didik Budijanto, M.Kes explained, until 2020, there were 318 districts / cities (districts / cities) that were free from malaria transmission or elimination from a total of 514 districts / cities that would be eliminated. “There is indeed an increase from 2019, as many as 300 districts / cities to 318, yes there are 18 districts / cities,” he said, in a virtual media meeting via Zoom Meeting with the theme “Together with the Community Towards a Malaria-Free Indonesia” which was held on Friday morning, (23/4). Didik said that later on World Malaria Day which falls on Sunday (25/4) there will be an additional 12 eliminated districts / cities. In addition, he said, Indonesia still has 23 districts / cities that are high endemic. “So then our strategy for how to achieve that, we share this malaria elimination regionally, there are 5 regions,” he said. Didik continued, the first region was the Java-Bali region. Where, within the region it has been targeted to be proposed to be eliminated to the World Health Organization or the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2023. And currently the achievement has been around 95% or 121 of 128 districts / cities have achieved elimination. “Then the second is the Sumatra, Sulawesi and NTB regions, which we are targeting in 2025, where currently it reaches around 67% percent of districts / cities that have been eliminated. [165 dari 245 kab/kota telah capai eliminasi], “He added. Meanwhile, the third region, Kalimantan and North Maluku (North Maluku), said Didik, would also be proposed in 2027 and reach the fifth region, namely Papua and West Papua, which currently still have 0% of the elimination rate and have not been achieved. The following are the achievements of malaria elimination per region in 2020: The first region: Java-Bali. 121 out of 128 districts / Kkta have achieved elimination (95%). Second region: Sumatra, Sulawesi and NTB. 165 out of 245 districts / cities have achieved elimination (67%). Third region: Kalimantan-Malut (North Maluku). 29 of the 66 districts / cities have reached Eeimination (44%). Fourth region: Maluku and NTT, 3 out of 33 districts / cities have achieved elimination (9%). Fifth region: Papua and West Papua. 0 out of 42 districts / cities have achieved elimination (0%).
Reporter: Farid Nurhakim
Editor: Bernadetta Febriana