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The government gives in to the Regions: so it starts again from 18 May

A cabinet river that started shortly after 13 on Friday and went on until late at night. The meeting, in fact, was suspended several times during the day. And there was some discontent. Approved on law decree framework on the second step of the reopening, with the measures to be implemented from Monday 18 May. In the text new rules on travel, self-certification and companies.

There was a powerful one cooperation institutional“. Thus, according to sources of Agi, the Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte, would have commented on the meeting with the Regions on phase two, during which an agreement was found on the new rules for the reopening. The governors of the Regions, in the afternoon, had approved a single text, containing the univocal guidelines to face the reopening, starting from May 18th. Then came the OK of Conte, who revised the sixth paragraph of the decree, which concerns the powers of the governors. According to sources of AdnKronos, the agreement between the Regions and the executive also governed the CDM, despite the doubts raised by some ministers during the meeting and which made the time for the green light longer.

New rules

From Monday 18 May the new measures will come into force, approved this night in the framework law decree, which gives indications for the start of phase two. According to what learned from draftrestrictions should change movements. From Monday, in fact, it will be possible to visit friends and go to second homes, provided they are in the same region:“From 18 May 2020, travel within the regional territory is not subject to any restrictions“, reads the text, unless more stringent containment areas have been arranged. The ban on moving for those undergoing quarantine remains. The ban on moving between regions also remains.

From 3 June, on the other hand, “movements on the national territory can only be limited with measures adopted pursuant to article 2 of the decree-law no. 19 of 25 March 2020, in relation to specific areas of the national territory, according to principles of adequacy and proportionality to the epidemiological risk actually present in these areas “. It means that, unless there are red areas or limitations decided by the governors, it should be possible to travel throughout Italy. But not only. On the same date, in fact, the borders Italians and all citizens ofEuropean Union they will be able to move without distinction. So goodbye to quarantine and self-certifications.

As regards the business, the government should give the green light to reopening, according to regional guidelines, approved by governors, in a single text. The measures approved in the decree will be valid until 31 July.

The guidelines of the Regions

A text, which contains unitary guidelines from north to south of the country. It is the one approved by the government during the Council of Ministers. Thus, the governors will be able to dedicate themselves, starting from Monday, to the reopening of their territory. But, Prime Minister Conte warned that, if the infections were to go back, the government “iwill immediately deal with restrictive measures“, without the possibility of opposition from the Regions.

The document approved the measures for the second step of phase two. As regards the restaurant sector, the distance between the tables of at least one meter and the presence of sanitizing products for customers and staff. In addition, staff in contact with customers will have to “use the mask and carry out frequent hand hygiene with hydro-alcoholic solutions (before each table service)“In places with seats it is asked to privilege the reservation, then keeping “the list of subjects who have booked, for a period of 14 days. In these activities, there may not be more customers in the room than there are seats“Where, however, there are no seats, entry will be allowed to a maximum number of customers, so that the distance of at least one meter between people is maintained.

He also decided on guidelines for the management of beaches, who will have to “privilege access to the factories by booking and keep the attendance list for a period of 14 days“. Also provided for the spacing between umbrellas and sunbeds / deckchairs within the plant: between users must be at least one meter and for each umbrella there must be an area of ​​at least 10 m2. In addition,”between the beach equipment (sunbeds, deck chairs), when not positioned in the umbrella position, a distance of at least 1.5 m must be guaranteed“. Also needed cleaning frequent and “disinfection of common areas, changing rooms, cabins, showers, toilets”.

The hotel facilities and farmhouses will “ensure compliance with the interpersonal distance of at least one meter in all common areas and favor the differentiation of the paths within the structures, with particular attention to the entrance and exit areas“.

in supermarkets and in shopping malls “body temperature can be detected, preventing access in case of temperature> 37.5 ° C“. Access must also be arranged”in order to avoid gatherings and ensure the maintenance of at least 1 meter of separation between customers“.

As for personal care, how hairdressers and beauticians, reservations will be required, keeping the customer list for 14 days. The premises must be reorganized, “as far as possible due to logistical and structural conditions, to ensure that at least 1 meter of separation is maintained both between the individual workstations and the customers”. Eliminate magazines and introduce hand hygiene products. During the service, operator and customer “must wear, compatibly with the specific service, one mask to protect the airways. “

In gyms, it will be necessary “organize the spaces in the changing rooms and showers so as to ensure the distances of at least 1 meter (for example, provide alternate or separate barriers for use), also by regulating access to them. Regulate flows, waiting areas , access to the different areas, the positioning of tools and machines, also delimiting the areas, in order to guarantee the safety distance: or at least 1 meter for people while not exercising, or at least 2 meters during physical activity (with particular attention to intense activity)“. The tools must be sanitized after each use, the premises must be ventilated and constantly cleaned.

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