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The government demands to control the diagnostic tests

Governor Wanda Vázquez Garced stated that the response of the government of Puerto Rico to the world emergency by coronavirus COVID-19 has been affected by the inability of the Department of Health to take over the analysis of diagnostic tests and the slowness of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in providing the results of the first suspected cases.

At a time when the number of suspected cases increased to 17, the president announced a series of measures to reduce the chances of contagion among citizens, making it clear that the virus is presumed to have already arrived on the island.

“We have serious concern. Until we have control of the CDC tests, that we can perform them in Puerto Rico, until we do not have that control, we are going to take measures to protect our citizens, ”said Vázquez Garced.

Four days after the first suspicious case of COVID-19 was reported in Puerto Rico, the first executive yesterday declared a state of emergency, which will last until March 31.

With this statement, Vázquez Garced announced the activation of the National Guard to be in charge of evaluating passengers arriving on the island through the four main airports. Likewise, he urged that all the massive activities scheduled for before March 31, such as concerts, festivals, sports events, political activities and parties, be canceled or postponed.

“The National Guard is activated for us to prepare at all airports, Isla Verde, Aguadilla, Mercedita (in Ponce) and Ceiba, an (area of) screening,” explained the president.

Members of the National Guard medical unit will screen passengers arriving on flights from the United States for those with symptoms associated with COVID-19, particularly dry cough, fever, and respiratory distress. Those with symptoms will be screened.

This measure was taken hours after President Donald Trump suspended travel from Europe to the United States, an order that will take effect today and will extend for 30 days.

Likewise, Vázquez Garced reported that maritime transportation to the islands of the municipality of Vieques and Culebra was restricted only to residents and suppliers of supplies. The restrictions will remain in place until a National Guard evaluation area is established at the boat terminals, which could occur on or before Saturday, the governor said. Nor will the crew of cargo vessels arriving at the docks of the island be allowed to land until the emergency period is over.

The wait continues

Vázquez Garced criticized that the test results of the first five suspected cases of COVID-19, which were sent to the CDC in Atlanta between Monday and Wednesday, had not been received yesterday.

“It is unacceptable that at this time we do not have the results of these first tests that have been sent”, indicated the governor.

The first executive said the number of suspected cases under treatment at local hospitals rose from five to 11 yesterday. Although no specific details of the six new cases were provided, the increase in patients was reported hours after a man who reported He tested positive for COVID-19 in his native Panama, he was visiting the island and attended several massive events, such as National Zalsa Day, Sunday, at the Hiram Bithorn stadium in San Juan.

Internist Luis Irizarry Pabón reported that a 30-year-old patient under his care in Ponce presented symptoms associated with the virus, was present at the musical event and had contact with the Panamanian doctor.

“We will have it under observation and to continue with the suspicious clinical picture for COVID-19, we recommend that the specific test be performed for it,” said Irizarry Pabón.

Six other patients are being held at Veterans Hospital in San Juan, and the institution has been tasked with taking the diagnostic tests and sending them, on their own, to the CDC in Atlanta.

Vázquez Garced noted that everyone is receiving “the appropriate treatment for their condition.”

In the case of the 68-year-old Italian tourist who became the first suspected case, she had to be connected to a ventilator “preemptively” at the Ashford Presbyterian Community Hospital in Condado, in San Juan, the Health Secretary explained, Rafael Rodríguez Mercado.

The director of the Health Biosafety Office, Jessica Cabrera, indicated that the situation of the island’s hospitals is monitored daily. As part of the work meetings, options have been discussed to avoid overloading institutions, such as the installation of temporary structures (tents or wagons) to serve patients.

After a conference call yesterday morning, The Governor indicated that the CDC agreed to authorize, between today and tomorrow, that the Dengue Branch of the CDC, located in San Juan, process the coronavirus tests.

Rodríguez Mercado noted that they obtained a commitment from the federal agency for the Dengue Branch to share with the Health Department’s Public Health and Biosafety Laboratory, between today and tomorrow, the materials necessary to carry out the diagnostic test.

Previously, Salud had announced that it would take two weeks to receive the materials.

The state epidemiologist, Carmen Deseda, indicated that each diagnostic test kit allows 1,000 samples to be taken. Once the test can be processed on the island, the results should be ready in about 24 hours, said the epidemiologist.

Yesterday, Deseda emphasized that people must follow hygiene measures constantly, such as hand washing, covering their mouths when coughing or sneezing with a disposable tissue or using the forearm or the inside of the elbow.

“This disease, COVID-19, is transmitted directly from a sick person to a healthy person. There should be no intermediaries. A person who has been in contact with a sick person and has no symptoms should not transmit the disease to another person, “said the epidemiologist.

The World Health Organization has recognized that the coronavirus is also transmitted through contact with objects into which drops have come from the cough or sneezes of infected people.

On Wednesday, Deseda acknowledged that the virus can also live on fruits or vegetables touched by sick people, so he urged to properly wash and cook food.

Personal responsibility

Vázquez Garced urged people not to go to places where many people gather, such as theaters and shopping malls, to avoid contracting the virus, which until yesterday at 6:00 p.m. It had spread to 127,863 people worldwide, according to data from Johns Hopkins University.

“This is simple, in these places where many people gather, I do not take my family. If you attend, you are responsible for exposing your family, “he said.

At the moment, the National Guard and the Police will not be used to enforce quarantines or order the closure of establishments, but the governor left the door open to make those decisions in the future.

The governor signed an executive order granting 14 days free of charge to any leave for public employees who must be in house quarantine and urged the private company to take similar measures.

“That concern about the economic impact of the suspension of activities or the partial closure of the spaces where many people gather must be looked at from the point of view of what is the balance, what is the priority for me as governor, which is the health and safety of our citizens, “he said.

Vázquez Garced stressed that the declaration of a state of emergency does not imply the suspension of classes in the public education system.

“Right now, we have no need to suspend classes,” he said.

Likewise, the first executive informed that the validity of documents that expire in April, such as driver’s licenses or motor vehicle labels, will extend until April 30, and extended the date of filing of income tax returns for individuals until May 15, an additional month from the traditional date.

The governor was emphatic that people who feel sick should not attend their work centers.

“We call on public and private employers to keep employees in their homes. If the employee can do the work at home, allow them to stay at home, ”claimed Vázquez Garced.

It was reported that anyone with symptoms such as cough, fever, and respiratory distress should call (787) 999-6202.

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