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The government creates a new climate council – will accelerate massive change – VG

LEADING THE COUNCIL: Minister of Climate and Environment Espen Barth Eide (Labor Party) recently celebrated the ministry’s 50th anniversary. Now the time is running out, if Norway is to have time to halve its greenhouse gas emissions by 2030.

Norway will halve its greenhouse gas emissions in seven years. A council with the state, the unions and employers should find out how.


Updated less than 10 minutes ago

– There are major changes that will take place for Norway to reach the goal, says Minister of Climate and Energy Espen Barth Eide (Labor) to VG.

It is now seven years until Norway has cut greenhouse gas emissions by at least 50 percent. The status after 2020 is that greenhouse gas emissions have decreased by 4.2 percent, according to Statistics Norway.

Norway must, through a process Barth Eide calls “deep decarbonisation”. All parts of society and business must find new solutions, at the same time.

Barth Eide will now start a council, which is not called the Climate Council, but “Council for fair adjustment in working life”. There, employers and employees will sit around the same table, to come up with solutions.

– This applies to steel and smelters, it applies to cement production and heavy industry. We have to come up with solutions for chemical processes and new energy sources to manage this, together, says Barth Eide.

Follows up platform

He invites players from Norwegian oil and gas, the construction industry, transport and the process industry. The unions Spekter, Virke, KS, LO, NHO, Unio and YS are involved.

– This is a room where everyone can suggest solutions and talk about ideas, says Barth Eide.

– How do you ensure that this does not just become a soup council?

– I have to lead it myself. It is important that we define what this is about. This tripartite collaboration has worked before, and we believe it will now as well, says Barth Eide.

He calls it a proud tradition, where employers, employees and the state come together to meet challenges in tripartite cooperation. This council will follow up the government’s political platform from Hurdal.

The climate organizations, which are otherwise heavily present in negotiations and questions about political solutions, are not invited to participate.

– To avoid it becoming a soup council, we must ensure that it does not become too broad. Therefore, we have only invited parties from working life. Not because the climate organizations are not important, but for this to be effective, says Barth Eide.

CONGRESS: The council is launched on the first day of the LO congress. Here, Minister of Climate and Energy Espen Barth Eide (Labor Party) is in conversation with LO’s leader, Peggy Hessen Følsvik.

LO: – In demand for many years

VG meets LO leader Peggy Hessen Følsvik at the start of LO’s congress.

– That we can refer to this selection, I think is absolutely crucial. Climate solutions have thus been given a separate selection, says Følsvik to VG.

– Fair change means that employees get good and safe jobs on the road to a climate-friendly society. This shows that the government takes fair change seriously and that climate solutions must be sought together with the parties in working life, says Følsvik.

The LO leader is pleased that the government is now following up on one of the promises from the government’s political platform from Hurdal.

LO has been asking for this advice for many years. There is no doubt that such work will increase commitment to common climate goals and solutions in the LO community, says Følsvik.

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