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The Government Claims Percentage of Deaths due to Covid-19 in Indonesia is Lower than Japan

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – Government Spokesperson for handling Covid-19 Achmad Yurianto said, the death rate or case fatality rate (CFR) due to Covid-19 in Indonesia of 5.15 percent.

The amount, he said, is lower than that Japan the CFR is 5.53 percent.

“If we try to learn more about CFR, the percentage of cases of death from this disease, the world number is 5.01 percent. Our national figure is at 5.15 percent, lower than Japan’s 5.33 percent,” Yurianto told a press conference at BNPB, Monday (6/29/2020).

Also read: Update: Percentage of Covid-19 deaths, highest in Italy, Indonesia and Iran

However, Yurianto said, so far Japan has examined 3,484 specimens per 1 million population.

While the number of specimens examined in Indonesia is still relatively small, which is only 2,779 per 1 million population nationally.

However, there are 23 provinces in Indonesia whose death rate is below the world average.

“This is what we believe that our optimism, the recovery of Covid-19 patients is getting better,” he said.

Also read: The percentage of Covid-19 Patients Cured in Indonesia is Lower than the World Average

The number of patients dying from Covid-19 to 2,805 people on Monday (6/29/2020).

The increase was after the addition of 51 dead Covid-19 patients.

Overall, the number of Covid-19 cases in the country has reached 55,092 people.

Government data compiled shows the addition of positive cases of Covid-19 by 1,082 people.

Also read: Government: Percentage of Covid-19 Patient Recovery in Indonesia Reaches 35.8 Percent

Of these, there were an additional 864 patients recovering, bringing the total to 23,800.

Meanwhile, there were 41,605 people whose status was supervised (ODP) and patients under supervision (PDP) were 13,335 people.

From 34 provinces, currently 448 regencies / cities have been declared as being exposed to Covid-19.

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