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The Government advances the minimum income with the support of all parties except Vox

All political parties, except VOX that has abstained, have given yes to the new Minimum Life Income (IMV)that seeks to curb poverty in families and promote the labor inclusion of these groups and that will range from a minimum income of 461 euros to 1,015 euros per month.

The Plenary of Congress has supported almost unanimously, the validation of the Royal Decree-Law that regulates this minimum income and to whichfinally the PP has added its positive votesand VOX their abstentions.

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The Second Vice President of the Government and Minister of Social Rights and the 2030 Agenda, Pablo Iglesias, and the Minister of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration, José Luis Escrivá, agreed that this isone of the measures with the greatest capacity for income redistribution and that “dignifies the country”.

Escrivá explained that the minimum income has beenaccurately calculatedsince it will be adapted to the needs of each applicant, taking into account the type of family, their income and their assets. “Public policies cannot live with their backs to society“Escrivá said after pointing out that the IMV will not only fight against poverty but will also serve as a lever for social and labor inclusion.

“It is a group insurance thatwill rescue people at any time they suffer deprivation“, He pointed out after adding that its cost of some 3,000 million euros is” perfectly acceptable “.

For his part, Iglesias has defended that he is thetime to make expansive policies to face the current crisisgenerated by the pandemic and has said that it will also help the economic recovery, since income will go “directly to consumption and will help freelancers and companies to continue billing.”

The minimum income has received the support of all political parties, including VOX, which will not vote against it, although it has criticized that the measure is not temporary and is not conditioned on the job search. Have you considered it to bethe “price of the pact with the devil signed by Sánchez”to be invested and has reiterated that the IMV supposes a call effect to immigrants and puts the Social Security protection system at risk.

Agreed with the CCAA

Most parties have congratulated aapproval that was urgentAlthough some formations, such as PP, Ciudadanos, ERC or JxCAT, have requested that it be processed as a bill to receive changes.

The PP has recalled thatit was President Mariano Rajoy who promoted the social cardand it has criticized that the Government “appropriates” the autonomous powers and exempts the Basque Country and Navarra.

The PP has considered thatit would have been reasonable to present a bill agreed with the CCAA, city councils, third sector and with the opposition and that had an economic report and a report from the Council of State and the Economic and Social Council.

Citizens have advocated that the benefit be linked to a job placement itineraryfrom the Law so as not to wait for its regulatory development, while JxCAT has opted to analyze the compatibility of income with child benefit.

ERC has considered thatthe measure must not be reversibleand it has affected that the condition of having to prove a whole year of low income should be modified and has urged to extend it to people in an irregular situation.

Formations such as the BNG or Más País have considered thatit is insufficient in terms of beneficiaries and amountswhile other parties like UPN have asked that it be managed by all the Autonomous Communities.

CC has also asked that it be compatible with non-contributory pensions.

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