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The Göttingen Lawyer Fuellmich Denies Embezzlement of 700,000 Euros from Corona Committee in Court Trial

As of: February 1, 2024 7:01 a.m

The Göttingen lawyer Fuellmich received loan agreements worth more than 700,000 euros from the so-called Corona Committee. He denies infidelity and accuses former colleagues of wanting to enrich themselves.

by Wieland Gabcke and Amelia Wischnewski

Reiner Fuellmich appeared confident and aggressive at the start of the trial on Wednesday in front of the Göttingen district court on. The former federal chairman of the small party “Die Basis” talked a lot and sometimes angrily. He repeatedly made derogatory comments about his former colleagues in the co-prosecution. This refers to the Berlin lawyers Antonia Fischer and Justus Hoffmann. They are demanding the 700,000 euros back in the criminal trial, but did not appear at the start of the trial due to illness. “The co-plaintiff wants to line their pockets with the money, that’s my opinion on the specific allegations,” said the 65-year-old, visibly upset.

700,000 euros were contractually granted as a loan

Fuellmich, Viviane Fischer and the Berlin lawyers founded the so-called Corona Committee as shareholders in 2020. At that time, the Corona measures were discussed and speculated about in hours-long online meetings. Among other things, the danger of the virus was doubted. The company, which was not registered in the commercial register, collected millions in donations online and opened several accounts, according to the indictment. In 2020 and 2021, Fuellmich received loans of 200,000 and 500,000 euros, for which there were contracts.

Garden “spiced up”: Fuellmich admits private purposes

According to Fuellmich, both he and Viviane Fischer had received loans from donations. According to him, to protect the funds from access by the state. Because in 2020 there were fears that the Corona Committee’s accounts could be seized. Fuellmich vehemently denied infidelity. “I’m not going to cut myself off and take the money we need to work,” he said. He also admitted to using the money privately. His then colleague Viviane Fischer also did that with her loans, claims Fuellmich. Viviane Fischer has repeatedly denied this. Fuellmich also claims: “Fischer was in Göttingen and looked at what my wife did with the money,” said the defendant. She “spruced up” the garden for 200,000 euros, including a whirlpool.

Former colleagues accuse Fuellmich of infidelity

The defendant’s statement is contradicted by the accusation and the view of his former colleagues. “Your own commitment should be free of charge, that was the agreement,” said Berlin lawyer Antonia Fischer when asked by NDR Lower Saxony. The public prosecutor’s office also sees it this way: the statutes of the “Corona Committee” only stipulate non-profit activities. A selfless activity, no donations from company resources, no one should be favored by disproportionately high remuneration. In the case of the loans, the public prosecutor’s office accuses Fuellmich of having had the goal from the beginning of using the donated funds privately and thus embezzling them. The chamber must now clarify whether the funds flowed lawfully or were embezzled. The verdict is due to come in March.

Further information

The Göttingen public prosecutor’s office accuses the lawyer of embezzling around one million euros in donations. (December 20, 2023) more

Reiner Fuellmich is said to have embezzled 700,000 euros in donations from private individuals to the “Corona Committee Foundation”. (10/17/2023) more

The lawyer from Göttingen should pay 2,100 euros – for incitement and insult, according to the district court’s ruling. (05/05/2023) more

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Hello Lower Saxony | 01/31/2024 | 19:30 o’clock

2024-02-01 01:33:02
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