Home » today » Entertainment » The Google Photos feature that will help you ‘forget’ people you no longer get along with

The Google Photos feature that will help you ‘forget’ people you no longer get along with

Google Photoshe image storage service of Googleis preparing a new feature That will allow us stop seeing those people with whom we don’t get along or we simply do not wish to have any contact at all. It is a kind of manual censorship that we can choose for a particular face, so that We won’t have to delete any images specifically if we do not want to do so. For now, this new functionality would only affect the Memories that the application resurfaces on a recurring basis to highlight past events.

This is the new Google Photos feature to cover the faces of people we don’t get along with and that will arrive soon

This information comes via Android Authority, who have made datamining in the latest version of the Google Photos APK. In the most recent changes in the code of this application, bugs have been found hints that a new feature could be coming soon and? It has to do with the voluntary censorship of specific faces in Google Photos Memories.

Google Photos Memories reminds us of important events uploaded to the service on a recurring basis both ours and our contacts. And taking into account the nature of human relations, This inevitably brings up images that might contain people we choose to cut contact with..


A couple of screenshots illustrating the menu of this new Memories feature in Google Photos

To alleviate this, The company would have implemented this new function that consists of hiding the face from memoriesso we won’t have to delete images to “forget” certain people as we did in the past. While Before the change, there was only the option to “show less” to a person specifically in Google Photos Memories, After this modification, an additional option is added which consists of blocking the face in questioneffectively censoring this individual’s face in the images that Google Photos Memories resurfaces.

It is unknown when this feature will be implemented. for general public use, or if it will ever be implemented at all. The fact is that this Google Photos Memories feature exists, but the company might simply never implement it.

What is the new Google Photos Memories feature to block faces?

As we mentioned above, Social relationships are complexand on many occasions We have disagreements and disagreements with partners, friends, acquaintances and family members that can lead to arguments and even cutting off contact. completely. In these latter cases, more drastic measures may be taken, such as blocking phone numbers, social networks or deleting images in which we appear together.


This feature would only affect Google Photos Memories for now, and not the service in general.

And precisely This is what the Google Photos Memories feature to block faces is for.: to help users avoid having to see anyone they no longer have a good relationship withgiven that This may bring back painful memories..

Each person deals with their grief differently.and it is quite possible that What used to be a photograph of a beautiful memoryafter a breakup, an argument or a death the same image completely changes context and only implies sadness for the affected person.

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