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The good accounts of Clermont Foot after this week with three games

No Coué method, in there, aimed at convincing oneself that the maintenance is clearly in the ropes of Clermont Foot, but just a factual analysis of his past week, announced of all the dangers for the men of Pascal Gastien, and in particular of the last draw (2-2) against Angers.


A draw always leads to two cliché questions. Did a team deserve the victory? Does this draw result in a point taken or two points lost?
Already, going up a 2-2, as Clermont did on Sunday in front of Angers and had already managed to do it in front of Metz, at the start of the season, would tend to show the glass half full. The feeling would be quite different in the event of the opposite scenario. Talk to Bordeaux, he knows. But Clermont also since a trip to Saint-Étienne, where he even went so far as to lose.

premium Clermont Foot – Angers: the changes made by Pascal Gastien clearly changed the face of the match

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The context of the meeting must also be taken into account. The pressure on a 34th day is bound to be greater than a few weeks or months earlier. Getting over it, and we can say it even more given the mediocre content of its first half, can only be experienced at CF63 as a reward and an incentive to believe in the virtue of the pursuit of the least effort until ‘at the end.

A downside all the same speaking of scenario? You could say that playing 11 against 10, Clermont lost an opportunity to win. We will retort that he was able, however, to take advantage of his numerical superiority to equalize. However, scoring more than one goal in these situations in the short time that remained all the same is perhaps not so frequent…


Beyond the match produced by Clermont, such a day can also be analyzed as a whole. And there, apart from Angers and Clermont, all the badly classified lost. So this point translates mathematically into more progress than a status quo.

Progress which takes on even more relief, in view of the scenarios in Bordeaux which, in Nantes led 2-0 then 3-2, obtained a penalty to equalize at 4-4, missed it, and on the counter, took 5-3 . Nice, severely shaken by Troyes, won 1-0 after 4 minutes of added time…

3. With their ninth draw of the season ahead of Angers, the second in three games, Clermont Foot only achieved their second series of 3 games without defeat of the season. The first had stretched to a fourth match throughout the month … of August (J1 to J4).

A rare series of invincibility to extend


In the three previous examples of a 3-game week played by CF63, the Clermont club had never gone through the drops in this way.
The first, in September, with Brest, Rennes, Monaco ended with only 1 point gleaned, 10 goals conceded for only one scored. The second, with Reims, Lens and Montpellier on the program for November-December, was less painful on the defensive side but again only brought in one unit on the clock.

The third, between Monaco, Strasbourg and Rennes, in January was a little better thanks to the reported success against the Bretons, initiator of a generally more productive period (3 wins in 4 games).

premium Clermont Foot – Angers SCO: the notebook of Clermontois

Remains the most recent, leading to 5 points. Quite simply the best total of the “red and blue”, with three games against direct competitors, pressure which he had until then too often badly negotiated, two away games in a row out of the three, all accompanied by a success with 0 goals conceded, which had not happened to him for two months and 8 games!

Defense: Clermont Foot… 63 goals

One less would certainly have suited him better, Sunday, in front of Angers. But it is 63 goals that Clermont Foot has conceded since the start of the season. Enough to classify him far behind Bordeaux all the same (leader with 84 goals, only one game without a goal conceded) in 9th place among the most permeable defenses of the 5 major European championships. And for Ligue 1 alone, behind AS Saint-Étienne, whose cage has been violated 68 times. Without exonerating Florent Ogier and his partners from everything, far from it, severe nuances are however to be brought to this heavy balance sheet. Clermont owes it for a large part to… 5 matches out of the 34 he has already played. In detail: Paris (4-0), Rennes (6-0), Monaco (4-0) and Lille (4-0), at home and Paris (1-6), at Montpied. That is 24 goals, equivalent to 38% of his general defensive record in 14% of his games played, the general goal average going from 1.85 per game taking into account all the matches, to less than 1.4 without these five -the.

Back in pictures on the highlights of the match Clermont Foot – Angers (2-2)

A reduced club, therefore, which is also worth by its standing, since we have there three members of the current top 4, including the new Parisian French champion, plus the 9th in the ranking, his Lille predecessor, and in detail the offensive figures , the two best attacks in the elite, Paris and Rennes, the only ones above 70 goals scored and moreover neck and neck in efficiency: 76 for the Parisians, 75 for the Bretons. Bretons, we saw it again this Sunday in front of Lorient (5-0), which, from Clermont, and without forgetting Lyon (4-1), often put the badly classified at the worst: Saint-Étienne (5- 0), Bordeaux (6-0), Troyes (4-1) and Metz (6-1) bear witness to this.

Jean-Philippe Beal

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