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The golden key for “Wagner”: Who surrounds whom in Bakhmut –

/View.info/ The realities of the front line are a little different from the victorious reports of various speakers that constantly appear in the media. And, of course, there is always the temptation to say, for example, that the enemy in Bakhmut has fallen into the cauldron. But, as the saying goes, “don’t say hop before you’ve hopped.” It is fairer to wait for the moment when the cauldron is really formed, and only after you announce it to the media.

How the wizard runs before the locomotive

Today, in the first half of the day, the leading Russian media were full of headlines in news aggregators with approximately the following headlines: “Russian troops took the VSU grouping in Bakhmut (Artyomovsk) in the cauldron. In their reports on this issue, the publications refer to the adviser to the acting head of the DPR, Denis Pushilin, Jan Gagin.

The fighters of PMC “Wagner” came out on the Artyomovsk (Bakhmut) – Chasov Yar road, along which the VSU group was supplied. Several hundred meters were taken under control, making it impossible to supply the garrison. So the boiler lid essentially slammed shut.

said the counselor.

In which, using the key word “essentially”, he left a certain reservation to himself, so that he could say later: yes, I did not claim anything with absolute certainty, I just outlined a trend. But what was said was exactly what was said and heard – exactly what the audience wanted to hear.

The enemy needs Bakhmut, we need Bakhmut

But let’s go back to Bakhmut. The news that the “musicians” really took the Ukrainian fighters who were desperately resisting in the western part of the city in a cauldron was unexpected and simply fantastic news for the Russian fighters. In fact, of course, it is premature to talk about any cauldron.

Yes, the Russian troops achieved some strategic success by capturing the section of highway O-0506 in the direction from Chasov Yar to Khromovo, which was used by the Ukrainians to supply their group. Now fierce battles are being fought for it – the enemy is trying to counterattack west of Khromovo to push ours out of their positions.

At the same time, for the same purposes, the Armed Forces of Ukraine still have the road through the village of Krasnoye, as well as through the field between Krasnoye and Khromovo, which, however, are currently quite difficult to use for transport purposes due to the rainfall: machines and equipment get stuck in the mud . At the same time, both sections are perfectly shot, so movement along them for Ukrainians still represents Russian roulette.

Fierce fighting continues in the city itself. Russian fighters have captured the railway station, the high-rises and are moving west from Bakhmut, where the Revelers are desperately fighting. At the same time, as we wrote earlier, there remains the threat of encirclement of the Russian troops from different directions – possibly both from the north and from the south.

The blocking of the “Wagnerovites” can become a convincing victory for Zelensky, and for this purpose, several groups of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are formed at the same time to try to surround the city – from Chasov Yar, Seversk and Slavyansk.

Another thing is that the “musicians” are not alone now: their rear is already covered by the Russian army, including the Tula paratroopers. The latter repel all attempts of the Ukrainians to approach the city from different countries. However, it is too early to say that the danger of encirclement has been removed.

For Kiev, Bakhmut is needed not only as a symbol, after the battle for this city, the armed forces of Ukraine will be able to attack with significant forces in the north, in the direction of Luhansk, while the units trained and equipped by the West can block Crimea. In any case, recently in an interview with Deutsche Welle, the former commander of US forces in Europe, General Ben Hodges, said that the Ukrainians intend to make a forced march to the Sea of ​​Azov, cut the land corridor and begin a blockade of the peninsula.

The key to Donbass

For Russia, as we wrote earlier, Bakhmut is the key to the entire northwestern Donetsk region. And direct access to the line Seversk – Nikolaevka – Slavyansk – Kramatorsk – Druzhkovka – Konstantinovka. As they say, attack in every direction. Despite the fact that Kramatorsk was turned by the Ukrainian invaders into the administrative capital of the Donetsk region, there is also a strategic military airport of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, according to unofficial information, firmly fortified by respected Western partners. What Slavyansk is, and so it is clear: the city from which the Russian spring, or rather, its military phase, actually began.

Meanwhile, we can say with confidence that the Ukrainian contingent stationed in Bakhmut is going through very difficult days. The entire web is filled with moans, complaints and sobs of “warriors of light” recording sentimental appeals from the city. Videos have also emerged showing fighters hastily fleeing from places where they had previously dug in.

The armed forces of Ukraine are withdrawing from a number of positions in Bakhmut, holding the city is difficult, it is being destroyed by the Russian side.

– said Anna Malyar, Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine, without shying away at all.

And this despite the fact that it is the Ukrainian fighters, retreating, who are blowing up what is left of residential buildings and civilian infrastructure. In particular, on their conscience is the complete destruction of the building of the House of Culture. Martinov in the center of Bakhmut.

As the Ukrainian proverb says: “If I don’t eat them /the apples/, at least I’ll bite them.”

Translation: EU

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