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the goblin will establish his cave in Thionville

The information fell on social networks a few months ago, now the certainty is in order. After Metz, Nancy and Pont-à-Mousson, the Cavern of the tapestry , well known to role-playing and board game aficionados, will soon open a fourth store in Thionville. “We found the premises and signed the lease”, assures Lisa Dziarnowski, shop manager of the Goblin Cave in Metz and of the future Thionville branch. The place in question is instead of the Addiction Graphics tattoo parlor, located rue Brûlée. A stone’s throw from the historic Toys Gacher building, a shame. “This will allow us to have a 120 m² store”. And if it is the smallest boutique of the group, this does not mean that the ambitions are being revised downwards. “There might be less stock, but that’s not why there will be less choice. ”

A games cafe and events

Like the Metz boutique, the Thionville Cavern will be equipped with a play area allowing both a small catering, “but also the testing of products and the organization of events, tournaments…” idea being to also be able to organize meetings in the evening. “We are rather optimistic on this point. With the return of cross-border workers in these hours, the influx should be at the end of the day. »To be specified once the boxes have been unpacked and the installation is finalized.

And for those who would think that the goblin has a boulevard of customers ahead of it, the reality may not be so simple. “We already have a lot of customers who come from Thionville, but other shops also sell board games, like the Hisler-Even bookstore for example (whose arrival is expected soon in the city center, Editor’s note). But there is also a pool of independent sellers. The competition is not direct, but it does exist. “However, the store will be able to count on regulars. “In Metz, we already have people from Thionvillois who come to see us and who regularly ask us if we will come to them. It is a city that I have always found to have interesting potential. Especially since it is accessible by train, there are parking facilities… ”The central location of the store should make it possible to attract a high school audience, the core target of this type of store.

For the opening, we will have to wait a bit. “But it will be as soon as possible! At the moment, we don’t have a specific date, but we wouldn’t like to miss the summer. “

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