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the goal is to return against Milan

The Nerazzurri plan for the Belgian: therapies, personalized work and (perhaps on the bench) with Verona. Today exams for Calhanoglu and Barella

The word ordeal to define the season of Romelu Lukaku With the’Inter it has already been used, even abused. So, better look to the future, thinking about how to set up yet another recovery after left knee tendon inflammation which caused the Belgian to miss the round of 16 of the Italian Cup against Parma. The program therefore includes the classic triptych physiotherapy, swimming pool and exercise bike until Wednesday to then return to making the attacker work, at least in a personalized way, between Thursday and Friday on the field. Without further hitches, a fundamental clarification given the historian of the year, Lukaku could end up on the bench in Saturday’s San Siro match against Verona: more than a goal, it is a hope given that nobody, from Inzaghi to the player, is in a particular hurry, the date to mark on the calendar if anything is that of January 18, Italian Super Cup against AC Milan in Riyadh.

Then from here to imagining him maybe the owner passes. It’s true that Big Rom needs to play to regain form and confidence, but in a derby and in a one-time trophy game, it wouldn’t be strange if the Inter coach initially trusted the pair Lautaro-Dzeko. All future reasoning, which will pass from the evolution in the next 24-48 hours.

Instead, more will be known much earlier, already today, on the conditions of Hakan Calhanoglu and Niccolo Barella. During the match against Monza, the Turkish had accused a problem with his hip flexor and, like the Italian, yesterday he played a personalized game waiting for the exams today which will better clarify condition and recovery times. If nothing else, Inzaghi could recover Brozovic for the Super cup, the Croatian could also play a portion of the match on Saturday against Verona.

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