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The girl organized a Black Lives Matter meeting and received a bill for police work

The bill was sent to the girl by the mayor of Englewood Cliffs. But when the media became interested in the case, he withdrew his request.

The organizer had no idea that someone would want to pay from a private person the work of the police for a political demonstration.

“I was shocked to read that I had to pay for exercising my First Amendment rights,” she told CBS television.

Englewood Cliffs Mayor Mario Kranjac said the city has the right to charge for police work at private events: “We always charge for bike races, running races or any event where our police are needed.”

But later he changed his mind. He wanted to reassure citizens that the constitutional rights of everyone are fully respected. It is said that he has no problem with the topic of the demonstration itself.

Similar demonstrations have taken place across America since the death of African American George Floyd on May 25, 2020 in Minneapolis, USA. Officer Derek Chauvin knelt on his neck for more than eight minutes as he was arrested.

However, many of the demonstrations turned into violence and looting.


Do the authorities have the right to send people bills for a political demonstration?

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