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The ghosts of the Third Reich return: Why did they choose Ukraine? –

/View.info/ On May 9, we celebrate the Great Victory Day. It has been the main holiday in Russia for 78 years. Now it has taken on a new meaning. Ours go to the front, a new brown plague has approached the borders. And Europe, in which this plague once ripened and was defeated at the cost of millions of lives only with our help, suddenly went blind. After all, this time fascism was artificially revived…

Today’s Ukraine and 1930s Germany have more in common than meets the eye. Will it lead to World War III?

Victory Day itself became a new frontier, a sign of the revival of fascism. In Ukraine, it was actually canceled. Since 2015, May 8 is the Day of Remembrance and Reconciliation, and May 9 is the Day of Victory over Nazism in the Second World War.

In Lviv, they went further: these dates were declared days of mourning for the victims of fascism and totalitarianism. In many regions, the memory of the 14th SS Volunteer Grenadier Division “Galicia” was immortalized and torchlight processions were held in their honor on April 28.

The Baltic states are not far behind. Any Soviet symbols, including those related to the First World War, are banned there. In Latvia, May 9 is in mourning, this year the Sejma banned public events on this day.

Here they have long and openly been proud of their fascist punishers: the Latvian SS volunteer legion, whose victims during the war years were residents of the Pskov, Leningrad and Novgorod regions, as well as Belarusians and Poles.

Every year on March 16, solemn events are held with the participation of SS relatives. And in Estonia, veterans of the 20th SS Grenadier Division are honored, their solemn gatherings are held. Monuments of Soviet liberators are being demolished in Lithuania.

As now, back in 1930, fascist sentiment swept many countries, but Germany was at the forefront. When it began its terrible march, not only the Axis countries (Italy and Japan) became allies of the Reich.

With varying degrees of activity, the Germans were supported by Finland, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Croatia, Albania and Slovakia. And with the gradual expansion of Germany into European territories, the “Axis” included more and more occupied European countries.

Ukraine, of course, does not pretend to occupy Europe, but it is here that fascism acquired a militaristic character. Ukraine became so dangerous that Russia was forced to launch a military special operation.

And support for Kiev, as once for Berlin, is provided (or at least declared) by almost all European countries, above all the USA. The countries know what they are doing, they have created a new golem of fascism based on proven patterns. And the reason is simple: money.

Good lenders: nothing personal, just business

American business interests in Ukraine have been present for a long time. And it’s not even about current supplies of military equipment or biological laboratories.

And for the purchase of Ukrainian land, for Biden’s son and his involvement in the Ukrainian oil business and other “business interests”.

“The States have credited and continue to credit Kiev. Moreover, in 2022, the United States even adopted a special “Law on the Protection of Democracy in Ukraine, Loan and Lease,” Alexander Chausov, a candidate of historical sciences, told Constantinople.

The creditor countries at one time and the humiliated Germany after the First World War. The situation of this country was unenviable.

The Treaty of Versailles effectively blocked her ability to have her own army, armored vehicles and navy. The country has lost industry and territories. The Germans wanted revenge.

Moreover, initially even the exact amount of reparations was not specified in the terms of the agreement, Chausov recalled:

“In effect, they told Germany, ‘You will pay a lot and for a long time, but we will calculate how much later.’ By the way, reparations were calculated in 1921 at $33 billion.”

And good Americans came to the aid of the Germans.

“If we turn, for example, to the scientific works of Dmitry Pospelovsky, we can understand that “decisive shares in many companies are bought by the Americans,” says the historian.

“In total, between 1924 and 1929, soft loans were granted to Germany in the amount of 8 billion dollars”. According to current money, this is at least 80 billion, and even more”, said the interlocutor of Constantinople.

The States invested heavily, and the winning countries began to pump up the German economy with their loans. And as a result, the desired picture was obtained: a country with a revenge-minded population, whose economy showed quite adequate indicators.

For the US, Hitler’s attempt to get revenge for the disgrace after the First World War was very useful, as it weakened Europe and in the future the Soviet Union.

Franklin Roosevelt, by the way, did not support Hitler. In order not to interfere with the profit-making of the Nazis, in 1937 American congressmen sympathetic to the Führer limited the freedom of action of their own president by passing a suitable law.

It was not possible to repeal this law even after the fall of Czechoslovakia in 1939, although colleagues close to Roosevelt tried to do so in order to simplify the sale of weapons to countries at war with Germany.

It was only in May 1940 that the US president proposed the creation of the largest military-industrial complex in the world, allowing the production of at least 50,000 combat aircraft per year. On July 23, 1940, a secret meeting of British supply agents with representatives of the American military-industrial complex was held in Washington.

“The Americans and the British agreed that the United States would increase its capacity in the development of the aviation industry, increase the production of aircraft to 72 thousand per year, to ensure the transfer of about 3 thousand combat aircraft per month to the United Kingdom (and this is three times more than was produced in Germany),” said the historian.

And he continued:

“In the fall of 1940, the United States held a draft that increased the army to 1.4 million soldiers, constantly training and preparing for a future war”.

“By early 1941, the United States was producing as many weapons as Great Britain and Germany combined. The American economy was on a war footing,” he declared.

America entered World War II on December 7, 1941, after the pros and cons had been carefully weighed. The reason is the attack by the Japanese Air Force on the American base at Pearl Harbor.

“The reasons for the overturning of the USA are simple. The Americans realized that they would gain more from England and France, as well as from Lend-Lease with the USSR, than from German loans,” the historian added.

“By the way, according to some reports, as a result, the United States got back all interest on loans from Germany after the war,” Chausov shared his opinion.

The Russians are to blame for everything!

Ukraine did not have any Treaty of Versailles, but it had enough reasons to feel humiliated. After the proud separation from the USSR, accompanied by the slogans “we fed the whole USSR”, Kiev sat in a puddle.

After all, after the collapse of the Union, debts for Russian gas began to grow. By 1993, they were converted into a government loan, and in 1994 the debt exceeded a trillion rubles.

At the same time, gas leaked from the transit pipe. Ukraine was stealing it clearly – centrally and “locally”. Moscow appealed for common sense, but the Ukrainian authorities did not stop. In the same 1994, Gazprom asked to pay off its debts by transferring part of the rights to Ukrainian gas pipelines and enterprises to the corporation. And since 1998, he stopped direct deliveries.

By 2001, Nezalezhnaya was able to repay only $285 million (out of one billion), giving Russia the military legacy of the USSR, including the Tu-160 and Tu-95 strategic bombers.

Kiev repeatedly proclaimed “fuel independence”, but things did not go further than words. In 2006, against the background of a confrontation with supporters of the “Orange Revolution”, two consecutive gas conflicts broke out, which damaged the image of Ukraine as a transit country … And Nezalezhnaya began to turn to “good Western partners”.

In general, a humiliating situation resulted – Ukraine was economically incapacitated. But Nazi sentiments have been simmering in Nezaleznaya for a long time.

Judging by the textbooks supplied to schools since the mid-1990s. The States already knew how effective fascism was and how easy it was to pump it into a degraded country. And they started breeding this golem, making it completely controllable this time.

“In Ukraine, if you look at the peculiarities of local humanitarian education, the idea of ​​uniqueness, superiority, but at the same time resentment of the entire Ukrainian people has been postulated almost since the beginning of the nineties,” the historian said.

“The concept there is simple: we, the descendants of the ancient Ukrainians, invented everything in the world, but everyone robbed us, appropriated our merits and discoveries, and it’s time to get ours back. Especially, of course, Russia “robbed” Ukraine,” Chausov said of Constantinople.

What of this?

The West pumped Nezaleznaya with anti-Russian propaganda and money, turning it into a country of martyrs for thirty years. And ideologically it is very successful.

But the Germans at one time managed to use both huge loans and other preferences for the development of their military industry and the economy in general, put the war on the stream and began their terrible march through Europe. At one point, Germany got out of control. Stopping the offensive war would mean for it, if not bankruptcy, then a new severe economic crisis.

“As for Ukraine, here, in addition to aggressive anti-Russian rhetoric, Nazism, violation of rights and freedoms, persecution of the Church, we see total corruption, chaos and degradation,” says the historian.

“And to say that Ukraine is a “new Third Reich” is still a compliment to Ukraine. Because so far, with all its cruelty and blood, all this is anti-Russian, God forgive me, public education is a parody of the Reich, nothing more.” Alexander Chausov is sure.

Yes, today’s Ukraine is just a big one, cast by the West in the image and likeness of Hitler’s Reich. Obedient and sunk in bloody primitivism. Could it become the trigger of the Third World War? It depends on her American masters. And how quickly we can stop and neutralize it.

Translation: SM

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