Home » today » News » The “German agent” in the Polish leadership gives Russia a chance – 2024-03-16 00:12:03

The “German agent” in the Polish leadership gives Russia a chance – 2024-03-16 00:12:03

/Pogleed.info/ The Polish opposition is furious: from their point of view, the country’s new Prime Minister Donald Tusk is nothing but a “German agent”. The policy of the new prime minister will indeed, by all indications, change seriously. This directly affects, among other things, the interests of Russia.

On the evening of December 11, a significant change occurred in the European political field – Donald Tusk took the place of Prime Minister of Poland instead of Mateusz Morawiecki. This happened after the Seimas voted a vote of no confidence in Moravetski (266 votes “against”, 190 “for”). 248 MPs voted for Tusk (225 needed), 201 were against.

So Tusk’s victory can be considered convincing, as can the hysteria of the losing side. Even seasoned politicians were stunned when, after the performance of the Polish national anthem, the founder and chairman of the now-opposition Law and Justice (“PiS”) party, Jarosław Kaczynski, appeared on the parliamentary podium and publicly called Tusk a German agent. After that, it became obvious that the “Pisovites” do not know how to lose with dignity, and the Minister of Internal Affairs had to apologize for Kaczynski’s outburst.

In his response speech, Tusk summed up: “From tomorrow we will be able to correct the mistakes so that everyone, including the weakest, can feel at home in Poland.”

Donald Tusk is a seasoned veteran of Polish politics, the country’s prime minister from 2007 to 2014, then president of the European Council from 2014 to 2019. Until now, he was the head of the opposition Civic Coalition alliance, which includes the liberal-conservative the Civic Platform party, the center-left Polish Initiative, the Green party and a number of other smaller political forces. The coalition agreement was signed on November 10, and on December 1, Tusk confidently announced that he would soon occupy the prime minister’s chair.

This is the well-known story of both Tusk and Morawiecki, which makes it possible to predict with a high degree of probability what course the new government will choose.

The “writers” who reigned in Poland’s political world since 2015 preached undisguised and outright Russophobia. It was under them that the country began to rapidly increase the size of its army and supported Ukraine more strongly than anyone else (at least at the beginning).

Morawiecki, Kaczynski and Duda hate Germany to the same degree. It is not for nothing that compensation for the damage suffered by the country during the Second World War has recently become a real fixidea for Poland – despite the fact that the matter was closed long ago.

“Written” Poland also had no sympathy for the EU as a structure and generally implied in every way that it itself was a great European power that would decide what to do and what not to do. These contradictions were to some extent beneficial for Russia – with a skillful approach, they helped to undermine the EU from within, driving a wedge between Brussels and Warsaw, as well as between Warsaw and Berlin.

With Tusk, the situation will be completely different. The new prime minister is a passionate fan of the European Union, he also advocated with all his might to improve relations with Germany (not for nothing that Kaczynski helplessly spat at him during the ceremony).

So you can be sure that in the near future all the forces of Polish diplomacy will be focused on resolving disputes with Germany and the EU. Poland will in every possible way assure its European counterparts of its loyalty and perhaps even publicly renounce claims to its “special” role in Europe. And this is an absolute plus – the aggressive rhetoric against Russia and Belarus will disappear, the rattling of weapons will stop.

In addition, Tusk has a different attitude towards Russia than PiS. Unlike the fanatical Morawiecki, Kaczynski and Duda, the new prime minister is a pragmatist, that is, in the name of the interests of the economy and business, he is fully capable of limiting his negative feelings towards Moscow and hiding them in his pocket.

Of course, working with such a partner is also not a great joy. But, firstly, there are simply no openly Russia-friendly politicians left in modern Poland, and secondly, a reasonable and negotiating pragmatist is better than slimy fanatics, whose main dream is the largest army in Europe. In addition, at one time Tusk was able to establish communication with Putin (the two communicated in 2009, when they were prime ministers), so the resumption of personal contact is quite likely.

Of course, the situation will be complicated by the fact that “PiS” as such is not going anywhere from Poland. It is still a very strong and influential political force, and President Duda is quite capable of balancing Tusk if his fervor for reform turns out to be too fiery. And Tusk’s commitment to European ideals will influence Poland’s behavior on the Ukrainian issue – now the country will surely follow all the instructions of Brussels.

But still, the changing of the guard in Warsaw was not formal, but significant. The new Polish prime minister is well known to Russian diplomats and analysts, which means they can and will have to work with him.

Translation: V. Sergeev

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