Home » Health » The Genetics of Autism Spectrum Disorder: Insights from a PhD Student’s Research in Cognitive Neuropsychology

The Genetics of Autism Spectrum Disorder: Insights from a PhD Student’s Research in Cognitive Neuropsychology

This Night of NTR we speak with PhD student of cognitive neuropsychology Kamil Hiralal about his research into the genetics of autism spectrum disorder.

The picture of autism spectrum disorder, more commonly known as autism, has changed a lot in recent years. We are getting a better picture of it, but at the same time misunderstandings persist. For example, to what extent is autism determined by your genes? There is more and more evidence from science for this genetic basis, but what do people with autism think of it? Are they sufficiently involved in science?

These questions are central to Kamil Hiralal’s research. He is doing his PhD in cognitive neuropsychology at Erasmus MC with his research into the genetic basis of certain forms of autism. At the same time, he wants to map out what people with autism themselves have to say about that kind of research on social media. In this way he hopes to build a bridge and help patients, scientists and practitioners.

2023-06-29 02:20:37
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