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The general who disobeys AMLO

The president’s call for transparency Andrés Manuel López Obrador the federal government agencies has not reached the ears of the general Audomaro Martínez Zapata, head of the National Intelligence Center (CNI). Despite the fact that the President ordered since November that the follow-up file that the CNI has on the Anti-AMLO National Front be made public – of which EL UNIVERSAL made known both its existence and the fact that the government had ordered close it for five years—, the intelligence body has just confirmed that the document was classified until 2026. They detail that the CNI reported on February 19 through an official letter that this file would remain under lock and key, as it assured that making it public would cause damage to the security of the country. “Public life has to be more and more public and transparency is a golden rule of democracy. And what (the file) refers to, because they are newspaper clippings, that is what they informed me. But if there is more information, which should be the one that publishes THE UNIVERSAL surely, then, let it be delivered ”, said the Executive four months ago in the National Palace. How is it that a file with newspaper clippings puts the security of the country at risk and needs to be canned? It will be that the closeness that the general has with the president has made him confused and not realize that in addition to being the President, and his friend, AMLO is the supreme commander of the armed forces and that when he gives an order it should not be ignored .

From lawlessness to lawlessness

They tell us that the Instructional Section of the Chamber of Deputies, which presides Pablo Gomez (Morena), she already has many irons in the fire. The first is the request for an impeachment against the senator of Morena, Cruz Pérez Cuéllar, accused of illegally receiving two and a half million pesos from the former PRI governor of Chihuahua, Cesar Duarte. The second is against the Attorney General of Morelos, Uriel Carmona Gándara, because it would have appointed prosecutors not trained or certified in this agency. The third is to defile the federal deputy of the PT, Mauricio Toledo, for alleged illicit enrichment. And the fourth is the one requested by the Attorney General’s Office against the governor of Tamaulipas, the PAN Francisco Javier Garcia Cow’s head, whom he accuses of organized crime, operation of resources of illicit origin and equal tax fraud. All should be defined before the end of the current regular session, that is, on April 30. However, for some reason everyone thinks that the only one – who knows the other three – that will surely be resolved is that of the PAN governor. Could it be that someone commissioned that the matter be given priority?

A test for the 4T

Within the federal government, they tell us, there is a sector that is pressing for the United Nations Committee against Forced Disappearance to visit Mexico this year and learn about the reality of the country. Yesterday the Undersecretary for Human Rights, Alejandro Encinas, participated in a UN event and there expressed his wish that a working group of the Committee come to Mexican lands to make a diagnosis. It will be necessary to see if all the dependencies of the so-called Fourth Transformation agree with Don Alejandro, since several of them, notably those dedicated to security, have blocked during the last decade the possibility of being evaluated in matters of disappearances. . So here is the 4T the possibility of demonstrating that which presumes daily that “we are not the same” and of saying “Ya Chole”, with the opacity on this issue.

Rosario Robles maintains political reflections

There is no doubt that even in the worst conditions, the former Secretary of Social Development Rosario Robles it remains a well-informed policy. Although she is imprisoned in the Santa Martha prison facing her process for the crime of improper exercise of public service, she is up to date on the national political agenda and uses the situation in her defense. In an audio revealed on Radio Fórmula by journalist Ciro Gómez Leyva, the voice of Dona Rosario is heard during a hearing held on February 26, and she says that the fact of being the only woman imprisoned for the Master Scam case is proof of the real patriarchal pact that prevails in Mexico. The former secretary’s reference recalled the protests made by hundreds of women against the presidential support for the candidacy of Félix Salgado Macedonio, accused of rape, for the governorship of Guerrero, and those that asked the president to break the patriarchal pact. In addition, he reproached that the Superior Audit of the Federation (ASF) is being used as an offended party to demand the repair of the millionaire damage to the treasury for the so-called Master Scam, when the federal government disqualifies that institution. This is why the ASF should be offended, said the former secretary, who maintains good political reflections.

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