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The Geissens: Season start with a naked cowboy in New York

Carmen, Robert, Davina and Shania are back with new double episodes and are starting their 20th season of “Die Geissens” on RTLZWEI. It starts off with New York, where, among other things, they meet a naked cowboy with a guitar. Luxury shopping, partying, street art and sightseeing are also on the agenda.

The station announces the glamorous family’s trip: “New York, New York! It’s finally that time again: the family could not travel to the USA for two years because of the pandemic, but now it is finally possible again. So pack your suitcase and off you go! As soon as they arrive, the Geiss ladies indulge in one of their favorite pastimes, shopping, because it’s Black Friday and they are sure not to miss this bargain hunt.

Robert buys a joint

On the second day there is also shopping, but a little different. Robert buys a joint from a street vendor. He then smokes it later on an environmentally friendly ride in a horse-drawn carriage and suddenly tells strange things. Joints are now legal in New York, as is spraying, at least in certain places, which Shania is particularly happy about. In any case, she already has her own “day”. And Carmen also courageously reaches for the spray can …

The naked cowboy

The Geissens also meet an old friend in New York: Romero Britto! Memories of her last meeting with the artist in Miami are brought back to life. In Time Square, the family then gets to know the “Naked Cowboy” – in freezing temperatures and rough winds. So that he doesn’t have to freeze anymore, Robert equips him with a Roberto Geissini shirt when he says goodbye. After the excursion to New York, the private jet continues to Miami.

The 20th season of Germany’s most famous millionaire family starts on January 3, 2022 and runs every Monday at 8:15 p.m. on RTLZWEI.

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