JULY 12, 2023
Following the demand of the viewers as well as people who did not have time to see the show, the “Gabeta Family” from the Theater School of Orfea Natalia Migdou will present for a unique evening their successful social satire on July 12 at 21:15 at the Theater of E .H.M. Frondzu.
General Admission: €10
Directed by: Natalia Migdou
They play in the order they appear: Ilias Noussis, Aglaia Mamaki, Vasso Zisidis, Katerina Stefanou, Sotiris Pappas, Eleftheria Arletou, Vivi Vlachou, Athanasia Kyriakopoulou, Sofia Sioziu, Yannis Daskalakis, Natasa Patsioura, Georgia Psohiou, Michalis Tsianos
Joins friendly: Sotiris Dogoritis
Director’s assistant: Athena Kotsokolou
Choreographic Editing: Niki Myriounis
Graphic Design: Ileana Zoi
A few words about the show..
Social satire in fluent Epirotian. The Orpheas Theater School makes its first opening to the outside with the performance of “The Gambeta Family”. The debut work – a sketch of social satire – by the student of the School, Aglaia Mamaki, touches on the meaningless conventions of a small society in a village in Epirus, and the terror of “what the world will say”.
But the element that makes this writing attempt stand out is the prominence of the living language. The epirotian local dialect, the natural, juicy and unpretentious speech, causes euphoria and very often bursts of laughter.
The multi-member troupe is made up of students of the School, as well as the friendly participation of Sotiris Dogoritis, who effortlessly tamed the difficulties of the language and endured the strict directing guidance of their teacher, Natalia Migdou.