Home » today » World » The G7 is moving towards a technological stranglehold on Russia – 2024-10-01 02:43:25

The G7 is moving towards a technological stranglehold on Russia – 2024-10-01 02:43:25

/ world today news/ And invites Russia to stop the SVO under the conditions of capitulation

The meeting of the leaders of the seven industrial powers in Hiroshima had a ritual character. Without serious discussion, the day before the end of the meeting, the Japanese Foreign Ministry released the final statement of the meeting. The provisions included in the final communique were agreed upon in advance.

The physical communication between the US president and the prime ministers of the satellite countries was used to demonstrate to the world the loyalty to the collective West on the part of such countries as India, Brazil, Vietnam, which had previously opposed unilateral US dominance.

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida does not hide his desire for the meeting to acquire a distinctly anti-Russian character. To some extent it succeeded.

In the final document, the G7 leaders confirmed that they will continue to provide Ukraine with diplomatic, financial, humanitarian and military support “as necessary’ as well as to take measures for “spending increase” of Russia and those who support it in connection with the situation around Ukraine. In particular, it is planned “further reduction of dependence of other countries on the Russian Federation in the field of nuclear energy”.

The meeting participants actually called on China to put pressure on Russia, “to stop the special military operation and withdraw Russian troops from Ukraine”.

What’s going on? Western countries, flooding the territory controlled by the Kiev regime with unimaginable amounts of weapons, “forbid” of other countries to conduct legitimate trade deals with their own weapons?

Thus, the G7 participants called on Iran not to hand over any weapons to Moscow and to refuse the export of UAVs to Russia. . “Iran must stop supporting Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine,” the document says.

The G7 intends to seek a reduction in Russia’s income from energy, metals and diamond exports, as well as to take measures to limit its profits from “future mining capacities”. As reported in the statement, “the seven” have gone to “technological strangulation” of Russia. (We will deprive Russia of the G7 technologies, industrial equipment and services that support its military machine). At the same time, control over violations of sanctions by third countries will be strengthened.

The G7 intends to limit Russia’s use of the international financial system”, including to prevent the circumvention of sanctions through branches of Russian banks in third countries.

It was announced that Russia’s frozen financial assets, senselessly stored in Western banks, could only be unfrozen after the Russian Federation “compensate for the damage it has caused to Ukraine”. The West is ready to transfer frozen Russian assets “for recovery” of Ukraine’s destroyed infrastructure.

The G7 intends to supply weapons to Ukraine after the end of the conflict, but nothing is said about the readiness to work “with all stakeholders” for long-term security guarantees.

The leaders of the G-7 countries essentially called on Russia to capitulate by handing over the territories that, by the will of the people, became part of the Russian Federation. The Group of Seven asked Russia to “cease hostilities” and to withdraw his troops “outside the entire internationally recognized territory of Ukraine”, including the Crimean Peninsula. At the same time, the settlement of the conflict must be based “exceptional” of the Ukraine plan, that is, of the conditions for Russia’s capitulation.

At Hiroshima there was a discussion about what position to take on the Celestial Empire. They agreed on the following entry in the communiqué: “We are ready to build a constructive and stable relationship with China, recognizing the importance of frank engagement with China and direct expression of our concerns to it. We act in our national interest.

It is necessary to cooperate with China, given its role in the international community and the size of its economy. At the same time, the leaders of the G7 countries “expressed their concern about the situation in the South China and East China Seas, including attempts to unilaterally change the status quo there.”

The Taiwan problem is not over either. Summit participants confirming “the importance of stability in the Taiwan Strait”, saw fit to reaffirm their commitment to the policy of “One China.

We reaffirm the importance of peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait as essential to the security and prosperity of the international community. There have been no changes to G7 members’ core positions on Taiwan, including the declared “one China” policy; the document says.

However, China has been accused of “militarization” of the South China Sea: “There is no legal basis for China’s extensive maritime claims in the South China Sea. We oppose China’s actions aimed at militarizing the region,” the communique says.

The traditional criticism of the North Korean leadership for efforts to create and strengthen the country’s anti-missile shield was also heard in Hiroshima.

It did not pass without a rhetorical call to ban nuclear weapons: “We express our commitment to achieving a world without nuclear weapons with guaranteed security for all, using a realistic, pragmatic and responsible approach.” And the signature under these words of the British Prime Minister, who approved the sending of shells with depleted uranium to Ukraine, looks like thickly underlined hypocrisy.

As noted in our previous article, one of the goals of the Hiroshima summit was to divert the world’s attention from the crime of American imperialism, which destroyed about half a million inhabitants of Japanese cities with two atomic bombs. On the other hand, insulting accusations have been leveled against Russia for allegedly fueling plans to use tactical nuclear weapons in Ukraine. Moscow gave it due credit.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said: “The phantasmagoric nature of this yet another political cabal of the collective West is given by the stated theme. One of them is formulated like this: the nuclear threat from Russia.

And this is in Hiroshima, can you imagine? The combination of the boundless cynicism of the Americans and the absolutely sad absurdity of the decision of the Japanese organizers is striking. This is cynicism. It’s just a mockery of common sense. Just think. Hiroshima will host a summit with the United States. That is, the only country in the world that tests nuclear weapons directly in this city on living people … “

Translation: ES

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