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“The Future of Workspaces: Trends and Challenges for the Office of 2023”

The traditional corporate “office” has experienced profound upheavals since the end of the health crisis. Hybrid work has forced organizations to reinvent their workspaces to meet the new needs of their employees. What does the office of 2023 look like?

Difficulty finding the “right” office

A recent company report AKTIS-PARTNERS.COMcorporate real estate consultancy and pioneer of the “operated office”, revealed the growing difficulties of companies in finding the “right” office.

One of the difficulties lies in the desire of companies to respond to one of the major challenges of 2023: improving quality of life. Companies would like to find places where they can offer additional benefits and services in order to optimize and enhance their employer brand and the well-being of their employees.

But 62% of companies have difficulty establishing the measures to improve the quality of life at work in the offices that they find on the market.

However, employees want to have access to new services, such as:

  • Wellness/beauty services (57% of respondents).
  • Postal services, such as relay points (55%).
  • Sports lessons (51%).
  • Company crèche (44%).

Another difficulty lies in finding offices suitable for hybrid working. 71% of companies have difficulty finding a place that meets the obligations of teleworking (hybrid, flexible offices, etc.). 67% find themselves more particularly blocked by the equipment and layout needs of new tools (virtual spaces, callboxes, etc.).

Trends in new hybrid offices

Office designers are showing more and more originality in reinventing themselves and finding solutions to the new needs of employees.

THE new trends for offices in 2023 are then multiple. THE flexible workspaces have taken the place of “simple” open spaces. These dynamic modular systems, with removable partitionsshelves on wheels or interchangeable desks underline the versatility and practicality of the new furniture design.

Since collaborative work is increasingly important, new offices often have many meeting rooms of all sizesperfectly soundproofed.

Noise pollution at work has become a real problem since employees returned to the office. The latter, accustomed to the calm of their homes, find it increasingly difficult to endure phone calls in the Open Space or noisy discussions. Set up compartmentalized spaces for telephoning, such as individual acoustic cabinshas almost become a “must have” in today’s offices.

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Offices that must be at the service of the collective

According to a recent report by IDET, the most important contribution of offices would be the promotion of teamwork in companies, through the offer of collaborative spaces (99%), the possibility of holding face-to-face meetings (97%) and the provision social spaces (96%).