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The Future of Work: Challenges and Controversies in Modern Society

Work has returned to the heart of social concerns after having faded away during
two decades behind the employment problem. But this return does not necessarily mean
consensus. Especially since this return, when we must determine the place of work in our societies, is accompanied by a new offensive of “deregulation” which makes wages,
employment and more generally social rights the policy adjustment variable
economic. By increasing the pressure on workers and reducing their
protections, Macronie assumes continuity with the Sarkozy five-year term and displays its
conservatism. Thus, the discourse on merit and equal opportunities fades away. We will be back
to a simpler argument: the value of work serves to stigmatize people
The “social achievements” would represent “the” blockages to be removed to promote
development of new initiatives. In the absence of a solid diagnosis, the
current transformation of work is unaccomplished, biased, and above all constrained by
financial criteria. France is not faced with a classic problem of
redistribution of labor resources between sectors. We are faced with a
overall restructuring of activities and even of the company, with a recomposition of
productive functions involving the recognition of a new place at work.
As shown by the open debates on unemployment insurance, employment of seniors and
control of social spending, the government opted for the theses of Medef. Of
compensation for the unemployed, representation of employees in the company,
main social rights “would harm employment”. While the stated objective is the
valorization of qualification is the multiplication of low-skilled jobs and
low-paid workers that we are seeing with an extension of working hours to the detriment of increasing their efficiency. The need for an “employment contract” is mentioned.
senior”, while the man/work disjunction is widening more and more, accompanied by its share of pathologies, suffering, a source of major inefficiency and bearer of a strong
social trauma.
Totally opposed to the liberal paradigm, the union hypothesis is that work is
inseparable from the place given to the human person. Economic organization
current situation where work is constrained, is “too small to allow the development
human” estimates sociologist Yves Clot.
Carrying out a simple salary redistribution as proposed by liberal solutions, does not
may be enough. Addressing the way wealth is created is the priority, by questioning
in the workplace. Sustainable growth requires new bets, justifies initiatives to rebuild new security frameworks for projects as well as for
the workers.
Thinking about a right of integration into employment means thinking about a coherent system of
guarantees allowing the employee to acquire a professional qualification, to assert
his skills in the company, to carry out an activity compatible with his life
personal, to find a job if he loses his job. This supposes, by tackling the
financial growth and creating the conditions for a new type of productivity,
to ensure a real break with the wage deflation applied for decades.

2024-02-18 17:21:56
#Gabriel #Attal #misappropriation #work #LHumanité

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