Miyagi Prefecture Governor Yoshihiro Murai, chairman of the National Governors’ Association, is causing a stir when he mentions the abolition of the National Sports Festival (Kokusupo), which was renamed from the National Athletic Meet (National Athletic Meet). The reason for this is the financial burden placed on the local governments that hold the games on a rotating basis, but issues such as the transfer of major athletes to their affiliations have also been a problem for the national polity for some time. Some point out that the reason behind the continued interest in the sport even as public interest waned was the intentions of the sports world connected to the Olympics. Will “abolition” become a reality? (Yamada Yuyuki, Kishimoto Takuya)
◆Giving courage and hope to the post-war nation through sports
“Abolition is also one way of thinking.” Governor Murai of Miyagi Prefecture said the following about national sports at a press conference on the 8th.
The National Sports Festival began in 1946 as the “National Athletic Meet,” and has been held every year, with each prefecture taking turns. The winter tournament is held from December to February, and the main tournament is held from September to October. It is co-sponsored by the Japan Sports Association, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, and the host prefecture.
Miyagi Prefecture Governor Yoshihiro Murai in November 2020 in Chiyoda Ward, Tokyo (file photo)
According to the Japan Sports Association’s website, the first event was held to “give courage and hope to the people through sports in the midst of post-war devastation and confusion.” In a competitive format, the Emperor’s Cup is awarded to the prefecture with the top overall male and female results, and the Empress’s Cup is awarded to the top female. Starting from the 2024 Games, the name will be changed to use the word “sport” that is widely used around the world. The tournament will be held in Okinawa Prefecture in 2034.
This time, Governor Murai emphasized, “It’s better to discuss the matter with a clean slate, without sacrificial areas or taboos.” He suggested that the 47 prefectures should stop gathering athletes from almost all sports in one place once a year.
◆Difference between original philosophy and current situation, burden on local governments
The reason why the National Governors’ Association is calling for strict measures is because the human and financial burden on host local governments has been an issue for many years. The 2002 emergency resolution pointed out that “the sports environment has changed significantly since its inception, and public interest has waned.” It asked the two co-sponsors to “pay their fair share of the burden” and said they would “work to further simplify and streamline the management of the tournament.”
Athletes from Ibaraki Prefecture march at the closing ceremony after winning the Emperor’s Cup and Empress’ Cup at the Ibaraki National Athletic Meet, October 8, 2019 in Naka City, Ibaraki Prefecture.
In fact, the total project cost in Shiga Prefecture, where the national sports stadium is located, is expected to reach approximately 59 billion yen in 2025. A prefectural official explains, “Most of the burden is borne by the prefecture.” The cost of constructing a new track and field stadium and heated swimming pool, which will be the main venue, has been included, and there are concerns that “While these facilities are necessary for the event, depending on their maintenance and utilization after the Games, they could become a burden for future generations.”
Masamine Ozaki, a specially appointed professor of sports sociology at the Open University of Japan, said, “It had become common practice to build facilities for the national polity.The first round was an opportunity to build one, but the second round was a big deal for the construction costs of large-scale facilities. “and running costs were seen as a problem.” “The burden on the staff of the host local government is also heavy,” he said, citing the arranging of security and other non-public matters, as well as liaising and coordinating with other prefectures and competition organizations.
◆There are pros and cons even within the governor’s association
Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the 2020 Kagoshima National Athletic Meet and the 2021 Mie National Athletic Meet were canceled. Kagoshima was postponed to 2023, but Mie was abandoned due to financial circumstances. Under these circumstances, Governor Murai’s statement of “abolition” was not entirely welcomed.
Chief Cabinet Secretary Hayashi holds a press conference at the Prime Minister’s Office on the 5th.
Governor Yuji Kuroiwa of Kanagawa Prefecture said, “Many athletes have made it their goal,” while Governor Tomichi Fukuda of Tochigi Prefecture was cautious, saying “We should not abolish it just because it costs money.” Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshimasa Hayashi said at a press conference on the 9th, “It has contributed to improving the competitiveness of the region and improving the sports environment.It is important to proceed with consideration to make the Games sustainable.”
The National Governors’ Association is conducting a survey of each prefecture regarding the state of national sports from the perspective of streamlining the administration. A person in charge explains, “We are seeking a wide range of opinions, including whether to continue or abolish the system.” The Japan Sports Association has also set up a study team to discuss new approaches.
◆Unnatural that the host city has won 38 consecutive tournaments
The distortion of the national polity has long been seen as a problem. A typical example is the “victory supremacy” depending on the venue. For example, the Emperor’s Cup, which is awarded to the prefecture with the highest overall male and female results, has been won by the host city for 38 consecutive tournaments since Niigata in 1964.
A major factor is the “importation” of talented players from outside the prefecture. Host prefectures have hired prominent non-local athletes as prefectural employees and school teachers, and have them participate as “local representatives.” There are many athletes who are like “migratory birds,” who move to different locations every year.
“Fraud” also came to light. At the 2010 Chiba National Athletic Meet, it was discovered that 35 athletes representing Yamaguchi Prefecture in seven sports, including track and field and swimming, did not live in the prefecture and did not meet the requirements for participation, resulting in their points being deducted.
A third-party committee of the Japan Athletic Association (currently the Japan Sports Association), which investigated this matter, condemned the temporary reinforcement of athletes as a “host-city-winners policy” and called for corrections. However, the current situation continues to be that the host city has a “quota” for winning the tournament. There are persistent complaints that the scoring method is unfair, with representatives from the host region being able to participate in all competitions without qualifying.
◆Are there any top athletes competing in international tournaments?
Its position as a competitive tournament is also uncertain. Masayuki Tamaki, a sports culture commentator, said, “Top-class athletes mainly compete in international competitions. Even in domestic competitions, there is little point in participating in national polities that are not qualifying for the Olympics or world championships.In reality, top athletes rarely come to national polities.” points out.
For high school students, winning the national polity is said to be one of the “high school triple crowns,” but Mr. Tamaki says, “It is not an authorized title. “There are alternatives. On the other hand, is there really a need for the national polity in a situation where too many competitions are taking place and it’s putting a strain on athletes and coaches?”
◆ Helps improve the health of the nation and popularize minor sports
Why has the national polity continued despite such criticism?
The Japan Sports Association declares the purpose of the national polity as “to popularize sports, improve the health and physical strength of the people, and contribute to the promotion of local sports and the development of local culture, thereby enriching the lives of the people.” For example, at the 1980 Tochigi tournament, hockey became popular, with corporate teams being formed within the prefecture. It also plays a role in popularizing minor sports in the region.
Ceremonial performance that enlivened the opening ceremony of the “Ichigo Ichie Tochigi National Athletic Meet” in October 2022 in Utsunomiya City
However, the real intention of the organizers seems to be to train top athletes for the Olympics. In 2003, Hiroshi Hibino, who was the chairman of the Japan Athletic Association’s National Athletic Meet Committee, said, “The role of the National Athletic Meet is to send out athletes who can compete on the international stage.”
Sports journalist Gentaro Taniguchi says, “The roots of the national polity are the same, in the sense that the national polity is connected to the idea of winning as many medals as possible to promote national prestige.”
◆Sports are not just for the elite
The continuation of the National Athletic Meet is said to have been largely due to the “Hakomono principle” of building sports facilities, roads, etc. with state aid. The composition also overlaps with the 2021 Tokyo Olympics, where the new National Stadium in Jingu Gaien was littered with boxes. Corruption and bid rigging came to light one after another at the Tokyo Olympics, and the plating has been removed, but what should the national polity be like in the future?
New National Stadium renovated for the Tokyo Olympics (file photo)
Taniguchi explains, “In order to restore the original ideals of sports, we must first stop the national polity.We need to think of it as a positive turning point, not as a negative reason that its existence has little purpose.”
“Sports are not just for the elite. Creating an environment where anyone can get involved anytime, anywhere is considered an absolute ideal worldwide. To promote local sports and improve health. We will set out a direction for policies that will bring together people, goods, and money, such as the necessary places and leaders.Isn’t now the right time to do so, as the question of what the national polity should be?”
◆Desk memo
The Tokyo Olympics were plagued by problems with the design of the Games emblem, soaring costs, and extremely hot weather. The move was enforced even during the coronavirus pandemic, and cases of corruption and bid rigging continued to linger. The chaos must still be fresh in the memory, but people are already in the mood for the Paris Olympics this summer. We must not get carried away by the festivities and discern the hidden influences. (Book)
2024-04-11 03:00:00
#Abolishing #national #polity #idea #Miyagi #Prefecture #Governors #decision #Migratory #birds #winning #quotas #boxshaped #principles.. #Distortion #hot #topic #long #time #Tokyo #Shimbun #TOKYO #Web