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The future of the MaMaMa association in due course

The cloth burns between MaMaMa and the city of Saint-Denis (Seine-Saint-Denis). The municipality asks the association to pay the rent for the occupied premises free of charge for two years. The Bobigny court yesterday had to decide on the expulsion or maintenance of the organization. The decision was finally postponed to January 13.

Created two years ago, in the midst of a health crisis, the MaMaMa association has helped nearly 70,000 women and children in precarious situations. The distribution of solidarity packages is now under threat, as news of a subpoena fell in early October. The Sociétéivali d’Économie Mixte (SEM) Plaine Commune Développement, public promoter of 93 and the city of Saint-Denis, ask the court of Bobigny “to order the expulsion of the MaMaMa association and all the occupants of its leader, if necessary with the assistance of the police “.

18,000 euros per month for the occupation of the premises

At the heart of the dispute: an unpaid fee of 18,000 euros requested by local authorities. A punitive canon estimates Magali Bragard, president of the association. “We distribute food packages, so we don’t make any income from our business. We cannot afford € 18,000 in monthly rent. This would mean spending 200,000 euros a year “, complains the co-founder of MaMaMa.

According to her, Mathieu Hanotin, the current mayor of Saint-Denis, committed himself, during a visit to the premises, in February 2021, never to charge the association rent and even offered to find another venue to welcome MaMaMa.

A version wiped out by the city of Saint-Denis which ensures that the premises were loaned for free and temporarily during the Covid emergency, and that a year ago MaMaMa was warned that it would be necessary to pay the rent or find another place. “It is the only association in Saint-Denis to occupy a room of 1200 square meters for free, it is unfair for the other associative actors present in our territory who, alone, pay the rent” we explain in the mayor’s entourage.

Another argument put forward by the city of Saint-Denis: the local MaMaMa, which must be destroyed by 2024, does not meet ERP standards (establishment open to the public). However, the non-governmental organization (NGO) regularly welcomes beneficiaries. “MaMaMa stores materials, such as clothes or strollers, which could be conductive in the event of a fire. The mayor’s responsibility could then be committed ”the town hall explains.

Once again, the versions collide. Magali Bragard believes, on his part, that his association is not subject to ERP standards. “We do not receive the public in an open way, we receive the beneficiaries on an individual appointment, which does not correspond to the definition of an ERP. Instead, we have organized emergency courses for volunteers, and we have an insurance contract from the day before they return home ”, explains the president of MaMaMa.

Today the dialogue between the municipality of Saint-Denis and the NGO seems to be interrupted. “We have asked for appointments several times, the city hall has always refused since the summons was launched. We continue to work with the services of Saint-Denis the same: we provide the maternal and child protection services (PMI) of the city, we collaborate with the social workers of the city… ”breathes Magali Bragard. By January 13, however, he hopes Saint-Denis elected officials will reconsider their decision to expel his association, thanks in particular to the petition launched in support of MaMaMa.

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