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The Future of Paramedical Training: A Major Project for Nouvelle-Aquitaine

It was on Monday July 3 that a long-standing project materialized, the refoundation of the building of schools and paramedical training institutes, by the vote of a memorandum of understanding on its financing in the permanent committee of the regional council of New Aquitaine.

Anne Costa, General Manager of the CHU of Poitiers wishes to underline the honor done to the CHU of Poitiers to be able to announce the construction of this building, in the presence of Alain Rousset, President of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region; Françoise Jeanson, vice-president of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region, in charge of health; Léonore Moncond’huy, President of the Supervisory Board of the University Hospital of Poitiers and Virginie Laval, President of the University of Poitiers, in front of stakeholders and partners. Françoise Jeanson is delighted with the outcome of this project, which dates back to well before the merger of the regions, since this file was already on the table of the former Poitou-Charentes Region. The difficulty ? Get all the stakeholders in agreement in this file, since the competence of the Region, for example, is simply to finance the operating part of the training institutes and not the investment. However, with the agreement found, it is 75% of the financing of the project which will be carried out by the region, with a building which will however remain the property of the CHU of Poitiers. For a total amount of 31 million euros, this new building will therefore be financed jointly by the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region, the CHU of Poitiers, the University of Poitiers, Grand Poitiers and the department of Vienne. “Imagine paying most of your neighbour’s house! There really has to be an important issue,” smiles Françoise Jeanson. The agreement was finally given by Alan Rousset, president of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region. Quite simply “because we need paramedical staff and we see a flight of these students. However, with a project like this, which will be integrated directly into the campus, next to the faculty of medicine and pharmacy and will thus make it possible to pool resources, we are entering directly into transdisciplinarity! “, he says. “The challenge here is to be the institute of the future” emphasizes Françoise Jeanson. “With an opening scheduled for the start of the 2028 school year, we will be there in the future! bounces Anne Costa. The construction of this new building is part of a larger project that is the health campus project, which will consist in making available, around the current faculty of medicine and pharmacy, a research center, a simulation center but also an incubator for healthcare innovation companies. “It’s a major project for our territory”, emphasizes Léonore Moncond’huy, “It will have a social, economic and environmental impact at the same time”. The major axis of this health campus project is to combine training, research and innovation in health and to make the territory of Grand Poitiers and the CHU of Poitiers an attractive place, and anchored in the future, adapted to the transformations of the paramedical professions. The old building, which is 50 years old, is dilapidated and cannot accommodate the expected increase in students that the 11 training institutes will bring together. This new building will make it possible to combine practical and digital, face-to-face and remote, but also simulation and theory. “It’s a project that makes sense in terms of attractiveness in the difficult recruitment context that we are experiencing at the moment,” says Anne Costa. In the end, for funding of 31 million euros, a 9,600 m² building will see the light of day by 2028 and will accommodate 1,600 students compared to just under 1,300 currently. This project was made possible thanks to a strong partnership dynamic, with collegial governance between the CHU and the University of Poitiers, since the CHU remains the owner of the building but from 2028 it will indeed be a UFR in health which will see the day and no longer simply the faculty of medicine and pharmacy.

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