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The Future of Mainstream Gaming Graphics Cards: AMD RX 7600/7700/7800 and RTX 4050/4060/4070

Want reasonable high-performance ⁢gaming graphics for a reasonable price? There is no shortage and there won’t be!

News of the cancellation of the upcoming RDNA 4 generation AMD (RX 8000) ‍high-end graphics⁤ cards and delays in the release of NVIDIA’s RTX 5000 cards until 2025 have led some readers to believe that we have a problem in the gaming ⁤graphics and PC gaming platform market. However, the opposite is true. As gamers and customers, we have a lot ‍to look​ forward⁣ to, at⁤ least the majority of gamers. Today, we have ​interesting options ‍when it comes to solid performance graphics cards at reasonable prices, and this trend will continue in the foreseeable future.

High-end not interesting for most people – mainstream is what‍ matters!

Yes, high-end cards priced at around $600+ (16,000 CZK incl. VAT),​ which today are more around $800 and above, are⁣ certainly interesting in terms of ⁢technology, performance, marketing, and of ‍course, profit for manufacturers. However, it may be a shocking fact for⁣ some that the overwhelming ‍majority of gamers do not buy or use high-end‌ graphics cards!​ Yes, high-end cards sell more and better than in previous years, but they still represent a much smaller portion of sales compared to the‍ classic mainstream. We’re⁤ talking about an 80:20 ratio at best.

Most gamers simply do not want (or need) gaming graphics cards with​ power consumption (and corresponding heat generation) of 350, 450W, or even⁤ more. Nor do they want to spend 30,000 CZK or more on a‍ graphics card. Most gamers do not​ need to play at ultra details when reducing‍ a few settings to high instead of ultra will hardly be noticeable in terms of image⁣ quality in⁣ motion, but will‍ give you 50% more FPS and make the game playable at a fraction of the price of a high-end card.

And so, while news of the upcoming⁢ high-end generation’s problems may sound bad for their target customers, they are not bad news for the majority of gamers. The mainstream offering is improving,‍ will continue to improve, and the price attractiveness of many current and ⁣new models will continue!

Radeon RX ⁣6600/6700 and ⁣RTX 3050/3060/3070 are far from over

With the ⁣stock of some previous generation cards still‌ in circulation, this mainly concerns higher-end models and their more demanding variants. So‍ typically,⁤ the RX 6800/6900‌ series ⁤or ​the RTX 3080/3090 series. But there are still plenty of these cards available, which is unusual ‌considering that we are almost halfway through the‍ usual cycle for the upcoming generation. ⁤However, the effects of the mining⁢ craze and the corresponding increase in production‍ in the previous period are still evident. AMD is⁢ in a better position ​as it did not ramp⁣ up ‌RDNA 2 production as much as NVIDIA did, as AMD had previous experience with mining‍ crazes, which left them with a surplus of cards, so they did not exacerbate the situation.

NVIDIA, on the other hand, actively supported the mining craze, resulting in‍ a significant oversupply, ​especially of GA104⁣ and 106 mid-range cores, but also higher-end ones. So the RTX 3080/3090 series is‍ still available. However, what is worse for card manufacturers is that ‍there are still millions of unsold GA104 and 106 cores, so the production of the RTX 3050/3060/3070 series will ⁢continue in large quantities, and they will ‌remain strongly present in stores. ⁤This​ will complicate matters for manufacturers and retailers in combination with the supply of the new generation of cards.

Radeon RX 7600/7700/7800 ‍and RTX 4050/4060/4070 will​ be here for a long time

Due to ⁣the ​combination of the mining craze and the demand caused by COVID-19, when⁤ manufacturers‌ increased production of the previous‌ generation of ⁤cards, the release of the new generation has been delayed. Under normal circumstances, all‍ RTX 4000 and RX 7000 models would ⁤have ‍been on the market long⁤ ago, but they are still not available.‌ NVIDIA ‌is‍ closest to completing the entire series, with only the RTX 4050, an trimmed-down version of the‌ RTX 4060, remaining. However, since the company⁢ is currently focused‌ on⁢ HPC and‌ has practically halted the production of RTX 4000 due to its excessive prices, not​ much is expected from the RTX 4050. Especially since the ⁤new NV models⁢ in the mid-range are practically no ⁤better in terms of‍ performance than the RTX 3000 cards at similar prices. And there are still plenty of RTX 3050Want reasonable high-performance gaming graphics for a⁣ reasonable price? There is no shortage ⁤and there won’t be!

News of the cancellation ‍of the ‍upcoming RDNA 4 generation AMD (RX 8000) high-end graphics cards and delays ⁣in the release of ⁢NVIDIA’s RTX 5000 cards until 2025 have⁢ led⁢ some readers to believe⁣ that we have a problem in the gaming graphics ​and PC gaming platform market. However, the opposite is true. As gamers and customers, we have a lot to look forward to, at least the majority of ⁤gamers. Today, we have interesting options⁣ when it comes to solid performance graphics cards at reasonable prices, and this trend is expected to continue.

High-end not interesting to most people – mainstream is what matters!

Yes, high-end cards priced at around $600+ (16,000 CZK incl. VAT), which today are more ⁣around $800 and above, are certainly interesting in terms‌ of technology, performance, marketing, and of course, profit for manufacturers. However, it may be a shocking fact for some that the overwhelming majority of gamers do ‍not buy or use high-end graphics cards! ​Yes, high-end cards sell ⁢more and better than in previous years, but they still represent a much smaller portion of sales compared to ⁢the classic ‍mainstream. We’re talking about an 80:20 ‌ratio at ‍best.

Most gamers simply do not want ‌(or need) gaming graphics cards⁤ with power consumption (and corresponding heat generation) of 350, 450W, or‌ even more. Nor do they want to‍ spend 30,000 CZK or more on a graphics ⁤card. ⁣Most gamers do not ⁢need to play at ultra details when reducing a few settings ⁢to high instead of ultra will hardly be noticeable in terms of image quality in ‍motion, but will give you 50% more FPS and make the game playable at a fraction of the price of⁢ a high-end card.

And so, while news of the ‌upcoming high-end generation’s problems may sound bad for their target customers, they are not bad news for the majority of gamers. The mainstream offering‌ is⁢ improving, will continue to improve, and the price attractiveness​ of​ many current and new models⁣ will continue!

Radeon RX⁤ 6600/6700 and RTX 3050/3060/3070 ⁣are far from over

With the‌ stock ⁤of some previous generation cards still in circulation, this mainly concerns higher-end models and their ⁣more demanding ⁤variants. So typically, the RX 6800/6900 series or the RTX 3080/3090 series. But there are still plenty of these cards available,⁣ which is unusual considering that we are almost halfway‌ through the usual cycle to the next generation. However, the effects of the mining craze and the corresponding increase ⁢in production in the previous period are still evident. AMD is in a better⁤ position as ⁣it ⁣did not​ ramp ⁢up RDNA 2 production as much as ⁣NVIDIA did, as‌ AMD had previous ⁢experience with mining crazes, which left ​them⁤ with a surplus ‍of cards and did not exacerbate the situation.

NVIDIA, on the other ‍hand, ‌actively supported the⁤ mining craze, ⁤resulting in a ‌significant oversupply, especially of GA104 and 106 mid-range cores,​ but also‍ higher-end ‌ones. So the RTX 3080/3090 series is still available. However, what is worse for card manufacturers is that there are still millions of unsold GA104 and‍ 106 cores, so the production of‌ the RTX 3050/3060/3070 series will continue⁤ in large quantities, and they will‌ remain strongly present in stores. This will complicate matters for⁣ manufacturers and retailers in combination with the supply of‌ the new generation of‍ cards.

Radeon RX 7600/7700/7800 and RTX 4050/4060/4070 will be⁢ here for a long time

Due to the combination of the mining craze and the demand caused⁢ by COVID-19, when manufacturers increased ⁣production of the previous generation ⁢of cards, the release of the new generation⁢ has been delayed. Under normal circumstances, all RTX 4000 and RX 7000 models would have been on the market ⁤long ago, but they are still⁢ not available. NVIDIA is closest to completing the entire series, with only the RTX 4050, an trimmed-down version ⁢of⁤ the​ RTX 4060, remaining. However, since the company is currently focused on HPC and has practically halted the production of RTX 4000 due to its excessive prices, not much is expected from the RTX 4050. Especially since the new NV models in the mid-range are⁢ practically no better in terms of performance than ‌the RTX 3008000, které se zrušily. Nicmén i tak je RX 7600⁢ skvlá volba pro hráe, kteí chtjí vkonnou grafiku za rozumnou cenu. Stejn tak RTX 4050/4060/4070 od NVIDIA budou dlouho na trhu a nabídnou solidní výkon za dostupnou cenu.

Nové modely od AMD a NVIDIA

Navzdory odkladm a problém se zásobami, se ​vak na ‌trhu objevují nové modely grafických karet od obou výrobc. AMD nedávno uvedlo Radeon RX 6600 a RX 6700, které ⁣nabízejí skvlý výkon ⁣ve stední tíd za rozumnou cenu. Tyto karty jsou​ ideální pro hráe, kteí⁣ chtjí hrát nejnovjí hry ve vysokém⁤ rozliení a s plynulým obrazem.

NVIDIA na ⁤druhé stran uvedla RTX 3050, RTX 3060 a RTX 3070, které jsou také skvlou volbou pro hráe. Tyto karty nabízejí vkonný výkon a podporu ray tracingu za ‍dostupnou cenu. Hrái tak mohou vychutnat hry s realistickými stíny a osvtlením bez nutnosti investovat do ​drahých high endových karet.

Budoucnost herních grafik

Navzdory zprávám o problémech s high endem ‌a odkladech nových model, je budoucnost herních grafik velmi slibná. Výrobci se stále ‍snaží zlepšovat výkon a cenovou dostupnost svých produkt. Hrái tak mají‍ stále‍ více moností vybrat ⁤si grafickou kartu, která jim vyhovuje jak vkonem,⁤ tak cenou.

Navíc se ‍oekává, e v ⁢blízké budoucnosti se na trhu objeví nové technologie, které ješt více ⁤zvýší výkon a kvalitu herních grafik.​ Patí sem napíklad ‍technologie DLSS od NVIDIA, která umouje zvyšovat rozliení a zárove zlepšovat výkon hry. Také ​se oekává, e AMD pinese další inovace ve svých grafických kartách, které budou konkurovat NVIDIA.

Takže alespo vtšina⁤ hrá se nemusí⁤ bát, e by se nedostala k vkonné herní ‍grafice za rozumnou cenu. Nabídka se zlepšuje a bude se zlepšovat i nadále. Hrái⁢ se tak mohou tit na skvlé herní zážitky bez nutnosti investovat do drahých high endových karet.

detail ⁤photograph

How do the cancellation of the RDNA 4 generation AMD (RX 8000) high-end graphics cards and delays in the ‌release of ​NVIDIA’s RTX‍ 5000 cards affect the availability of high-performance gaming graphics?

The ‍cancellation of ⁣the upcoming RDNA 4 generation AMD (RX 8000) high-end graphics cards ​and delays in ⁢the‌ release of NVIDIA’s RTX ‌5000‍ cards have raised concerns about the availability of high-performance gaming graphics at a reasonable price. However, this ‍article argues that there ⁣is⁢ no shortage of options for gamers and customers.

While high-end cards may offer ‍impressive technology and performance, the majority ‌of gamers do not buy or use⁣ them. Most gamers do not require the⁣ power consumption​ and ‍high price‌ tags that come ⁢with these cards. They can achieve satisfactory gaming experiences by⁣ opting for more affordable options that‌ still offer solid performance.

Despite the challenges faced by ⁢the upcoming high-end generation, the mainstream offerings ‍are improving⁤ and ⁣will continue to do​ so. The article highlights‌ the⁣ availability of current models, such as the ‍Radeon RX 6600/6700⁣ and RTX 3050/3060/3070, which cater to the‍ needs of ⁢the majority of gamers.

Additionally, the prolonged ‌release‍ of the​ new generation of cards, caused ‍by factors such as the mining⁢ craze and ​increased ​demand during⁤ COVID-19, ‍means that older generation models like the Radeon RX 7600/7700/7800 and⁣ RTX 4050/4060/4070 will ​remain on ⁢the market for⁢ a longer period. Manufacturers and retailers may face complications due to⁣ the oversupply of certain models, but it also means that⁢ gamers will have a ⁤wide range of options to choose from.

In ‍conclusion, while high-end graphics cards may have their appeal, the majority of gamers can find reasonable high-performance ‍options at affordable prices. The availability of current and older generation models ensures that gamers have a variety of choices in the market.

1 thought on “The Future of Mainstream Gaming Graphics Cards: AMD RX 7600/7700/7800 and RTX 4050/4060/4070”

  1. I’m excited to see the advancements in gaming graphics cards! Can’t wait to experience the power of the AMD RX series and the RTX series.


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