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The Future of Cars: Changes, Transformations, and Impacts on Mobility and Environment


The future of cars is increasingly complicated by a series of changes, transformations, new rules and limitations: here’s what’s about to happen and who will be most damaged.

In a delicate moment like this, characterized by economic crisis and by fuel prices in large increase, even the very ‘tomorrow’ of cars is in the balance. What’s going to happen?

I programs of the future they speak more and more of a profound and radical transformation of the modus vivendi relating to engines, and in particular on the type of mobility which can be accessed.

The goal, deeply linked to the concepts of environmental sustainability is to arrive at a reduction in the mobility itself of the twenty five percent respect to numbers current.

Reduce it how? The attempt, not too hidden, is to to encourage actually one new mobility, the electric one or, in any case, with zero emissions. Pointing to the motorists the route.

Mobility changes: ecology and electric, and more

How? How to change habits and above all a whole market from historicity and roots Like this deep? First of all from a regulatory point of view. With serious tightening.


In particular, the rules on emissions e on admission in the street of the vehicles which, in terms of particulate matter and emissions (but for example also in terms of tyres), respect the new limits of the rules of the Euro 7.

Furthermore, of course, there will be more and more focus on a profound electrification of the market, both in hybrid mode and above all in the 100% electric. But it doesn’t end there.

Between transformations epochal new possible rules in relation to the ZTL and car parks, with profound limitations for ‘old school’ vehicles, so to speak. So what will happen?

Public transport and sustainability: the future on the roads

The starting point is to imagine, at large levels, a tomorrow in which vehicles will not pollute and therefore a limited traffic e parking lots they will no longer have such constraints.


In between, however, who will not adapt to the use of vehicles a zero emissionscould really no longer access certain areas or be denied the right to park.

To be able to reach the greats numbers in these revolutions one always inevitably starts gradually. As happens for example a Bozen, where a law is changing things.

The mobility plan of the area is about to reduce the traffic of cars to profoundly favor that of type public. The aim is, as we said, to lower the number of cars by 25%.

Leading the majority of citizens to use bus or means public ecological, or maybe bikes and the like, not only gains the environment ma la quality of the life of individuals.

2023-06-29 18:00:47
#Cars #Institutions #plan #unveiled #reduce #mobility #discourage #motorists #motorzoom.it

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