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The fury of Bianchini (MIO


Announcements, proclamations, thunderous applause and even the front pages of The Economist (of which the Agnelli are major owners): he entered the conference room Mario Draghi, which, however, has to deal not only with the standing ovations of journalists and with the praise of the numbers of an economy for the wealthy; because there is a part of the country that doesn’t give a damn about these panegyrics.
We are talking about the business sector of which an exponent like Paolo Bianchini (MIO – Italy) is a significant item. Because after the GDP and the stock exchange there is also the never considered index of the Italian portfolio, of which Wall Street cares very little but which the common people must necessarily consider. Taking as an example a comparison of revenues in catering between 2019 and 2021 (for obvious reasons 2020 is not considered), the comparison is merciless.
Other than normal life: the spending power of Italians is reduced by the minute, while the fear and the inability to go to restaurants swell the pockets of the big chains.
It is also for this reason that a furious Bianchini does not send them to speak to the government on the microphones of Stefano Molinari.

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We made the calculation before Christmas 2019, therefore without considering the days of Christmas and New Year, and we are 40% less. Considering the trend of what is happening these days, there is the risk of going, compared to December 2019, at least 50% -55% less, so the paradox is: open but empty premises. So they also have the justification for not compensating, unlike the other year in which they closed the restaurant business.

The point is this: the increases in the energy, gas and diesel bills have dragged the increase in the prices of raw materials. Flour, sugar, milk have increased. Basic necessities have increased, so in fact the 6% of GDP that the government exponents and Mario Draghi are the first to advertise, will be voraciously swallowed up by these prices. The spending power of Italians is increasingly lower, so the economy will not go positive: the first months of 2022 we will have a blow to the economy itself.

Tomorrow at 5.00 pm on my Facebook page we will make a gift to the Government. Today the government has given us many gifts, not least last week, making us pay 5 installments together with the scrapping of the balance and excerpt. These people who live in these buildings comfortably in velvet armchairs do not realize that Italians travel at a totally different distance from theirs, with their salary of 20 thousand euros a month. They do not have the perception of what is going on in Italian families, of the fear that they are continually instilling in the heads of Italians. With fear, obviously people do not go out or go where they are forced to go, therefore in supermarkets and where there is a need to go these days.

But for Draghi, the fault lies with the Italians, since this morning he said that we have “emphasized the tool of the green pass”, thinking we are immune from vaccinated, since maybe they have reassured us for months saying that the race to vaccination was to immunize the Italians. “Immune” has a meaning in Italian, it means that you do not contract the virus; while we realized that the vaccines lost effect after 5 months and those that were vaccinated with double dose from January to June were discovered between November and December: the Istituto Superiore di Sanità tells us today, and we know how to do the math because we have many friends with double dose infected by Covid.

The summary is this: they said everything and the opposite of everything to the Italians and made them so confused that they were the first to not understand anything.“.

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