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The funeral procession was attended by thousands of people, Habib Hasan Assegaf’s family was subject to administrative sanctions

Habib Abu Bakar while giving a press statement on Wednesday (30/12/2020) night. Photo: A. Romadoni.

Pasuruan (wartabromo.com) – The family of Habib Hasan Assegaf is subject to administrative sanctions by the government. This was due to a crowd of residents at Habib Hasan’s funeral.

Read: Thousands of Pilgrims Deliver Habib Hasan Assegaf to the Cemetery

This was said by AKBP Arman, Head of the Pasuruan City Police who is also the Deputy for the Covid-19 Task Force. He said, sanctions were stated in the regulations regarding the application of health protocols in the prevention and control of Covid-19.

“It is already in the East Java Pergub number 53 in 2020,” said Arman to wartabromo.com

The content is that every person who violates the obligation to implement the health protocol as referred to in Article 5 paragraph 1 is subject to administrative sanctions in the form of verbal warning, coercion, social work and fines.

This was also confirmed by the Habib Hasan Assegaf family. Represented by his first child, Habib Abu Bakar said that his family had been given administrative sanctions.

“We have implemented administrative sanctions,” said Habib Abu Bakar after the last tahlil, Wednesday (30/12/2020) night.

The family has undergone a rapid test in an attempt to tracing, sprayed it, and other administrative witnesses who declined to be named. The family of Habib Abu Bakr also accepted this sanction.

“There’s no one to blame. The family is not wrong, the Covid Task Force is not wrong either, everything is unconditioned and everything is spontaneous, “he said.

Also read: Thousands of pilgrims attended the Habib Hasan funeral, this said the task force

Habib Abu Bakr then emphasized that the funeral process for his father had nothing to do with anything. His late father was not a person who preached on the pulpit and was not affiliated with any mass organizations.

“So we cannot detect whoever the congregation is, so we from the family did not expect a surge in humans during the funeral prayers yesterday. We have done our efforts as much as possible, ”he explained.

Currently, Habib Abu Bakr asks that there is no wide or sustainable coverage. Including allegations that ended up not true regarding the funeral process of his father.

“We are in a state of grief, we do not want to be disturbed by any kind of news. We want his father to also rest quietly in the barzah realm, “he closed. (don/may)

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