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The Fun of Playing Gadgets Triggers Neck Pain, Beware of Pinched Nerves

VIVAGadget become one of the objects that are difficult to be released by most of the contemporary society at various ages. Especially with the pandemic and virtual facilities, making gadgets used at any time in an inappropriate position.

Not a few people who use gadgets for work or study at home. Although useful, the use of gadgets with a bent position continuously seems prone to triggering pinched nerves at the neck.

As explained by the neurosurgeon, Dr. Mustaqim Prasetya Sp.BS from the Association of Neurosurgery Specialists (Perspebsi), Hernia Nucleus Pulposus (HNP) or in layman’s terms a pinched nerve is a condition caused by the prominence of the spinal pads so that they pinch the spinal nerves.

“We may experience HNP. Currently, one of the most dangerous things is when using a cell phone in a non-ergonomic position (down) for a long time,” said doctor Mustaqim Prasetya in the webinar ‘The Latest Solutions for Pinched Nerves Without Surgery’ some time ago.

HNP tends to occur more often in the waist area. However, the neck is also not spared from this condition considering that gadgets are so sticky with people for activities at home at this time. Symptoms of a pinched nerve are radiating pain.

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