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The frightening consequences of paparazzi interference in the lives of stars

The public’s attention is always focused on the stars. Many are interested in reading about their daily lives, family scandals and behind-the-scenes intrigues. For this there are situations when, for the sake of a place on the front page, the paparazzi do their job with excessive fanaticism. Unfortunately, this can lead to tragic consequences.

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Reese Witherspoon

Reese Witherspoon

Reese Witherspoon, who starred in the 2001 film Legally Blonde, became the focus of hundreds of targets after the film’s premiere. As a result, in 2005, while celebrating her daughter’s birthday, Reese witnessed a dire situation. The fact is that at the height of the holiday, the paparazzi decided to take a few photos of the actress, but she was surrounded by many people. Without thinking twice, she began to push her way through the crowd with brute force. The children came under the hot hand (one child was even hit in the face by a camera), and then Reese’s friends. Throughout it all, the paparazzi weren’t shy about her expressions. Naturally, such actions could not remain without retaliatory measures, and as a result the photographer was arrested. He was accused of hitting six people, including children.

Nicole Kidman

Nicole Kidman
Nicole Kidman

About 10 years ago, the inimitable Nicole Kidman also appeared in the spotlight, but for a very sad reason. The fact is that on the last day of New York Fashion Week, the paparazzi tried to take pictures of the actress as she got out of the car, and she did it in a very unusual way. She was on a bicycle and, as eyewitnesses later said, she was driving at a speed of about 35 kilometers per hour, clutching a camera in her hands. Yes, yes, exactly what you thought happened – the photographer at full speed crashed into Nicole. As a result, the actress injured her ankle, fortunately, uncritically. I’d like to believe that the perpetrator of the accident will not one day decide to change the motorcycle into a car.

David Beckham

David Beckham

There are many accidents caused directly or indirectly by the paparazzi. In 2013, footballer David Beckham was involved in a similar incident. In an attempt to escape the persecution of photographers, Beckham on his bike did not adapt to the curve and fell. Fortunately, there were no serious injuries: the athlete went down with a muscle strain and a bruise on his right hand.

Selena Gomez

Selena Gomez
Selena Gomez

A year later, Selena Gomez found herself in a similar situation. A car driven by a photographer who was chasing her crashed into the singer’s SUV. The first reaction of the culprit of the accident is especially outrageous: he began to take pictures from the scene instead of making sure that everything was in order with Selena. Luckily there were no injuries this time.

Ryan Reynolds

Ryan Reynolds

In 2015, Ryan Reynolds was in Vancouver for filming. Suddenly, he has become the object of surveillance by a very stubborn photojournalist. This went on for a month and a half, until the actor met the pursuer in the parking lot. An emotional conversation took place between them, and when the photographer drove off, it hit Ryan. The movie star suffered a serious knee and back injury. Following litigation, she was banned from approaching the guilty paparazzi.

Antonio Banderas and Melanie Griffith

Antonio Banderas and Melanie Griffith
Antonio Banderas and Melanie Griffith

Sometimes surveillance can destroy even the strongest couples. It happened to Antonio Banderas and Melanie Griffith, who have been married for 18 years. The articles of popular publications were full of photographs of the Spanish macho in the company of different girls, but each time it was nothing more than friendship or teamwork. However, unfortunately, Melanie could not stand the pressure of the press spreading unsubstantiated rumors about her spouse. The last straw was the photos from the event in Cannes, which depicted Banderas dancing with Natalya Guslista, his colleague from the film series The Expendables. Despite him repeatedly denying there was a romantic connection between them, Griffith filed for divorce.

Princess Diana

Princess Diana
Princess Diana

Perhaps the most famous and at the same time tragic story involving the paparazzi happened to Princess Diana. She died in a car accident in August 1997. The tragedy occurred in Paris when the car in which Diana herself, her man, the driver and the security guard were crashed into a pillar of concrete. This happened due to the fact that the driver tried to escape the persecution of the paparazzi and had to exceed the speed limit. The collision occurred at a speed of 105 kilometers per hour – upon entering the tunnel, the driver lost control. As a result of the accident, the driver and his beloved Diana were killed instantly. The princess was still breathing, but despite all the efforts of the doctors, she died in the hospital. This tragedy shocked the whole world and still remains the most striking example of paparazzi fanaticism.

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