Street orchestras and groups on foot perform this Friday, February 17, 2023 at Le Lamentin from 7 p.m. The revelers will evolve on a circuit to be completed twice and which will start from Place Mahaut to cross the city center.
Street orchestras, groups on foot, revelers, meet in the festive atmosphere this Friday, February 17, 2023.
An explosion of choreography, rhythms and lights, Friday night plays the card of creation with revelers on the main streets of Lamentin.
No less than 17 orchestras are the actors of the 21st edition of Friday night apart from the organizer Sa ki fet fet. We find Petrol Band, Nou Pa Sav, A Sou Yo, Ti-Kadans Kréol (Lamentin), Otantik Gerikan Bass (Robert), Karnival All Star (Le Francois), (Lamentin), Difé Nan Pay (Rivière-Pilote), Toxic Groove Vibes, Kombit Rasin (Fort-de-France), Baryl Band (Lorrain), La Bonm (Trinité), Wélélé Bann (Trois-Ilets), Caraïbe Groove (Morne Vert), Nou Sa Fèy (Sainte-Anne) and Ganm Band.
The course is to be covered twice. The start will be given at Place Mahault at the level of the Calebassier bridge before strolling on the following circuit: rue Ernest André – rue Victor Schœlcher – rue Pierre Zobda Quitman – rue Ernest Maugée – rue Hardy de Saint-Omer – rue des Barrières extended – rue Ernest André (to rue Schoelcher.