Among the most important and successful series in the world is “The Fresh Prince of Rap,” an American comedy that was produced by the NBC network and broadcast between 1990 and 1996.
This series was created by Andy Borowitz and Susan Borowitz, and starred Will Smith, who came to the small screen as a renowned music figure. From then on, Smith would begin his career as a television actor and then his name would begin to be recorded in gold letters in the film industry.
Tatyana Ali posing. Source: Instagram @tatyanaali
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But not only Will Smith is remembered for this iconic production, since his cast was extremely popular and that is why this time we will focus on a very beloved character, little Ashley Banks.
It was the actress and singer Tatyana Ali who put herself in the shoes of the girl who, as the seasons went by, became a beautiful young woman.
Tatyana Ali posing. Source: Instagram @tatyanaali
At just 11 years old, Tatyana Ali demonstrated her talent for music and acting. When the series came to an end, the actress was 17 years old and her fame was through the roof; However, she would be absent from public life for a time, while she prepared her career as a singer.
In 1997 he released his first album “Kiss The Sky” with which it achieved great sales and became a gold record.
Currently, Tatyana Ali is 44 years old and looks very changed from when we met her as “Ashley Banks” in “The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.” She has dedicated her life to music and acting, although in productions with less success than the legendary series with which she became famous. She has more than 977 thousand followers on her social networks, platforms that she chooses to share photographs and videos of everything she does and where you can find postcards of her remembered character when she was just a child. Today she is an established and very well-remembered celebrity.
2023-11-10 04:05:11
#actress #played #Ashley #Banks #Fresh #Prince #Rap #years