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“The French can book their holidays, they will be reimbursed if the crisis continues”

Some beaches have already reopened – Julie Urbach

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  • This Thursday, May 14, Edouard Philippe announced a series of measures to support and revive tourism in France.
  • Among these initiatives are a 1.3 billion euro fund supported by BPI France and the Caisse des Dépôts, doubling the ceiling for restaurant tickets, and also reducing tourist taxes on tourism businesses.
  • Didier Arino, Associate Managing Director of Protourisme, explains to 20 minutes its satisfaction, but also the expectations of the sector.

“What is good for tourism is good for France. “This is the watchword launched by Edouard Philippe this Thursday morning. Following the 5th Interministerial Tourism Committee, the Prime Minister announced a series of measures to support the sector in France.

Because the latter is among those most affected by the confinement and the crisis linked to Covid-19, and has been living on an infusion for weeks, waiting to be able to reopen its structures. 20 minutes asked Didier Arino, Associate Managing Director of Protourisme, to find out what professionals think about the announcements made by
the government

The Prime Minister announced a major plan to support the tourism sector in France. What do you take away from his announcements?

It is an extremely important mobilization of the state. With this plan valued at 18 billion euros, we are on considerable volumes. He seems to me to be quite intelligent, since he first reasons in the short term with direct aid to businesses, especially the most vulnerable, such as the guarantee loan and the season pass for the best three months of the year. This is very important for seasonal businesses.

Then, in the medium term, the BPI France fund (1.3 billion euros) will make the destination offer in France more competitive. I also retained a conditionality for the responsible and digital development of these aids, it was a need.

Tourism has been among the most affected sectors since the start of the coronavirus crisis. What state is he in now?

The sector has already lost 150,000 jobs during the crisis. They have not yet entered the unemployment figures because the season has not yet started. These are seasonal workers, employees of companies who will not be able to withstand the shock, or those of companies which will not be able to open. Without major government intervention, we could have lost a million jobs, 500,000 direct jobs and just as many indirect jobs.

For the moment, 80% of tourism businesses have been strongly impacted, and among these, 30% are in very great difficulty and could file for bankruptcy. This is why I am satisfied with Edouard Philippe’s announcements. And I say it as easily as I have been most critical of the government’s handling of the crisis. But we will be attentive, because there are questions, and the devil often hides in the details.

What details are you talking about?

As a first step, this aid must benefit those who really need it, and not just large companies. Next, we will ensure the treatment of businesses that revolve around trade and which may not be affected by these measures. I am talking about those who will not be able to work if there is a new postponement of openings: camping and holiday village suppliers, oyster farmers, certain winegrowers, suppliers of airlines, events… Tourism, this is not just people who go sunbathing on the beach, there is a huge economy behind.

Do you believe in the various measures presented by the Prime Minister to revive the tourism economy?

The investment of 1.3 billion BPI France is good news, because it will go into companies’ equity to obtain bank financing. When a bank asks you for 40% equity on an investment, this help is invaluable. Doubling the restaurant ticket ceiling (from 19 euros to 38 euros per day) is also a very good thing. First, because there was a lot of teleworking during the confinement, but people were still entitled to their tickets or a deferred credit on them. It’s also interesting because they can spend them on weekends in restaurants or shopping on vacation. It’s really significant, because it is a game-changer for some families. It can allow them to spend a little more on vacation, pay themselves an extra, or even pay themselves a vacation that they could not have had without it.

Edouard Philippe also announced that local authorities will be able to reduce the tourist tax on tourist accommodation and reduce the property contribution of businesses by two thirds …

That is peanuts ! It’s an old debate, but it doesn’t change much. First, the tourist tax is paid by the customers who come, and especially if they come. But above all, it is money for the EPCI (public establishment of inter-municipal cooperation), the municipalities, so the State does not care, it is not its money. But how are tourist communities going to live? They will already exempt coffee makers from terrace fees. They must be able to support local tourism with their infrastructure.

The Prime Minister has indicated that the French will be able to go on vacation this summer in France. Do you think they will be able to compensate for the loss of foreign tourists?

Clearly, no. The numbers speak for themselves. Above all, previous announcements by members of the government have discouraged many. Olivier Véran publicly recommended to the French not to go on vacation two weeks ago. Christophe Castaner that it was not reasonable to think of leaving. Sibeth Ndiaye said it would not be possible to spend your vacation on the other side of France. Jean-Baptiste Djebbari and his fear of traffic flows… In the end, professionals in the sector suffered almost a billion euros in cancellations for this summer. All these statements participated in this disaster. They caused confusion in the minds of customers, who called to find out if they could keep their reservations or not. Many people have already given up going on vacation. In this, the incentive of Edouard Philippe has the merit of clarifying things: people can book, and they will be reimbursed if the crisis continues.

Are tourism professionals ready to receive holidaymakers as soon as the state authorizes it?

Perfectly! They are in the starting blocks. They’re ready, they don’t even need to be told, they’ve already taken all the steps. Large groups have already implemented strict protocols which concern swimming pools, restaurants with table service, distancing, entertainment in small groups, etc. Theme parks, for example, are professionals in managing the flow of people, it is not them that we are going to learn the profession. We have made proposals to that effect to the departments. For the moment, they are not validated.

Let’s give professionals a date so they can hire, get their supplies, and put health protocols in place. If you wait too long, there are two major risks. Some structures will decide not to open in order not to take risks and take state aid. Imagine a campsite that looks like at the last moment: “You can open, but without entertainment and without swimming pool. Imagine customer disappointment and the impact on branding. The other risk of waiting too long is to see a huge flow of vacationers at the same time in the structures. The French must already be able to book their holidays.

So we only ask for three things: A horizon, dates and a manual.

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