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The Free State demands that the climate sticker covers the cost of police operations.

Demonstrations – Dresden:Free State asks climate sticker to pay for police operations

Two activists from the last generation glued themselves to the road with superglue. Photo: Hendrik Schmidt/dpa/archive image (Photo: dpa)

Directly from the dpa news channel

Dresden (dpa/sn) – People who stick to the streets in Saxony or elsewhere in the name of climate protection are to be increasingly involved in the costs of the necessary police operations in the future. The departments are encouraged by a corresponding handout from the state police chief to ask “climate glue” to pay, as a spokeswoman for the Ministry of the Interior announced on Friday on request. The decision was made in view of the many actions with negative consequences for road traffic and experiences from other federal states regarding the use of other adhesives. According to a report by the news portal saechsische.de, costing has always been possible in principle, but little or no use has been made of it so far.

The handout should reach the police departments in the next few days, said a ministry spokeswoman. “We assume that this will now also be used.” It will be decided on a case-by-case basis whether and to what extent a notification will be issued. The decisive factor is the necessary use of direct force, such as the additional effort to detach attached body parts. Saxony-Anhalt is also planning such a cost sharing of so-called climate stickers. According to the ministry spokeswoman, it is already practice in Bavaria.

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